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Zirconia Wolf 01-06-2009 12:42 AM

Got a "deleting" question for you:

It seems that I have some character files that show up blank (no thumbnail) when I look at a Hood with SimPE.

These "blank" Sims are- I believe- "remnants" from EP folders that I didn't completely scorch (because I wanted to keep Secret Lots/etc available) & I am wondering if it would be okay to delete the little blank buggers.

The only "relationships" they have are with other black/non-existent Sims, so as long as I don't touch the SDNA files (which I've heard can be a problem) I should be able to delete them...right?

Or is it ok just to leave them, as they aren't really "there"...?

Miros1 01-06-2009 02:11 AM

Hm, lemme explore a little...

Zirconia Wolf 01-06-2009 12:22 PM

I'm wondering if I am going to have to break down & just use the blank templates out there, as it seems those templates have "cleaned up" Neighborhood.package files (no relationship ties, etc) which I'm sure is where these "junk" Sims are coming from.

Now, if I can only figure out how to keep some version of Cyd, Porthos, Danny & Sarah around still...

Miros1 01-06-2009 08:58 PM

IIRC, you can delete all the SDNA, SCOR, etc. from the Neighborhood package, but not some of them.

As I said on the other thread, I'll experiment with populated lots tonight.

Zirconia Wolf 01-11-2009 03:55 PM

Just wanted to update the Blank Sim story:

Turns out, they are Maxis made Sims! The pre-made Social Group Townies & several of the pre-made Vacation Locals have no "thumbnail" image in SimPE, at least not right out of the gate. (They are "blank" when I look at the original Maxis-made Neighborhood package file too.)

I am hopeful that this changes once they are "officially" generated in the game. (I'm still "setting up" my @#$% Hoods right now. Sometimes I really hate being so :p !

Miros1 01-11-2009 04:45 PM

That's beyond weird... Maxis must have invented a new Sim generator that skips the thumbnail generator.

Miros1 11-27-2009 01:12 AM

Added more info about Downtownies....

Zirconia Wolf 01-11-2010 04:15 AM

Just catching up on the latest no-fuggly info & saw the part about the Downtownies being generated from pre-made templates.

That certainly explains why mass-spawning Downtownies always netted me a batch of 3-per-look Sims! (As in there are 3 of each template spawned, resulting in a Downtown overrun by a mass of various triplets!)

It's weird that Maxis went this route for Downtownies. The weirder part is that you can make them yourself in whatever clothes you choose in CAS (using Inge's teleporter to make them Downtownies) with no ill effects.

Silly, silly Maxis....:p

Zirconia Wolf 01-14-2010 03:12 PM

(Sorry for "double post"!)

Character files for the NightLife NPCs are as follows:

User00003 = Rebecka (Female Slob)
User00004 = Lakshmi (Gypsy)
User00005 = Margaret (Gypsy)
User00006 = Amy (s4) (Gypsy)
User00007 = Andrea (Host)
User00008 = Joseph (Host)
User00009 = Katy (Host)
User00010 = Shanna (Server)
User00011 = Pong (Server)
User00012 = Cassidy (Server)
User00013 = Serdar (Cook)
User00014 = Joanne (Cook)
User00015 = Calvin (Cook)
User00016 = Chuck (DJ)
User00017 = Holly (DJ)
User00018 = Amin (DJ)

User00021 = Count Armando (Head Vampire)
User00022 = Count Cooper (Head Vampire)
User00023 = Mr. Big
User00024 = Countessa Arcadia (Head Vampire)
User00025 = Countessa Shanon (Head Vampire)
User00026 = Diva

User00028 = Grayson (Male Slob)

All others are either Downtownies, ghosts and/or part of the whole "Tricou" thing.

Miros1 01-15-2010 02:11 AM

OOH, thanks, I can check this against my list of "real" Downtownies.

Zirconia Wolf 01-15-2010 01:28 PM

Glad it was helpful!

Just wanted to add an *update* of sorts about W7 (Windows 7) & zip files.

If you are logged in as the Administrator & you completely turn off the *door dragons* (via the pop-up slider) you CAN in fact make ZIP/RAR/etc files inside of your Program Files folders!!!

(I was very excited about this!)

Should also point out that peeps with the 64 bit version of W7 have 2 different Program Files folders:

Program Files
Program Files (x86)

The "86" one is were all 32-bit stuff (like TS2) gets installed to, so 64 bit W7 folks (like me!) will need to keep this in mind when hunting down the game files.

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