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Miros1 12-17-2007 03:54 AM

If you're extracting the mesh and loading it back into the default nude for the elder, it shouldn't matter what it was catagorized as before.

Zirconia Wolf 12-17-2007 06:45 AM

Well, that sounds encouraging!

I just discovered that I may have been wrong about the nude skins not being in the skins.package file after all! As I continued along in my latest quest to create a listing of all the Maxis clothing/skins (not hair or faces) broken down by EP/SP & Age/Gender (can you say r-e-t-e-n-t-i-v-e?) I have stumbled on to a whole slew of files with names like aftopnaked_nude_s1 & so on.

Since I know that s1/s2/s3 & s4 all refer to the 4 different Maxian Skintones, I am suddenly re-hopeful* that I may just lick this whole frustrating "Elders-Don't-Look-Like-Death-Warmed-Over" thing in the not too distant future.

However it's late (11:38 PM) & I'm tired (been up since 4 AM) so I think I'll save any further experiment 'till tomorrow morning!

*The one cool thing about being dyslexic is I will never run out of words! Dictionary shmictionary....

Miros1 12-17-2007 08:26 AM

Sounds like you hit the motherlode!

Greg 12-17-2007 11:57 AM

Indeed! That listing of all the Maxis clothes and skin tone files could be a pearl of great price! :D

Zirconia Wolf 12-17-2007 03:31 PM

Okay, it's time for a break now!

Originally Posted by Miros1 (Post 6331)
Sounds like you hit the motherlode!

I sure hope so! I'm a pretty patient person/wolf but still....

Of course I would have to choose December (of all months) to start this stupid project! I am finally realizing that I had better set this crazy Elder Quest of mine aside for a bit if I have any hope of finishing up the various family gifts I'm still working on! (The most involved is a NW coast style Native American killer whale mask I have been carving over the last 2 years. I am just about sick to death of looking at it, so it's getting done THIS xmas whether it likes it or not!)

It scary how much time you can loose to a @#!% computer...

Anyway, I'm halting my current TS2 plans until after the holidays & so won't be pestering you folks with my pesky queries for a bit. (If you catch me trying to post more skin/mesh questions before December 26th, give me a whack on the head with one of Shorty's ironwood sticks please!)

See you all later & have an awesome Christmas/Solstice/Kwanzaa/NakedPaganDance!!!!

Miros1 12-17-2007 07:54 PM

OOH! Where do you sign up for the Naked Pagan Dance?

And we want pictures of the killer whale mask...

Greg 12-18-2007 12:31 AM

Yeah, gotta have it. We're staging a new fantasy role-playing water ballet called Orcs and Orcas!

Zirconia Wolf 04-10-2008 05:00 AM

****** UPDATE ******

** Having been forced to take a break from her quest to save the Elders in her Hoods from "Dead Sim Walking" syndrome due to the annoyance know as "Reality", our heroine (aka Zirconia Wolf) has finally managed to escape back to "Happy Land" (aka Non-Reality) for a while & is ready to continue the battle for Elder Equality. We join her journey already in progress...**

Oh happy happy joy joy!

Just when I thought that I was never going to crack the "Elder Nude" code, along comes a kind & benevolent sole named Bloom (over on InSim Adult) who took pity on me & actually posted a step-by-step guide on using SimPE to make my Elders reference the Adult nude mesh!!!!!


No more will the Sims on my PC be forced to go from happy/active/fit Adults to sad/puttering/flabby Elders just because Maxis can't get it into their heads that "Elder" doesn't mean "Dead"!

Now, if I could just learn to make my own BHAV mods...but that's another quest for another day!


Miros1 04-10-2008 10:40 AM

They still have bad posture, but no more droopy-boobs/saddlebag-thighs/pot-bellies/sagging-shoulders!

Zirconia Wolf 04-10-2008 01:25 PM

Yeah, it's not the "perfect" solution, but it beats the hell out of the Maxis programing!

I'm afraid it's about time for me to dig in & start to learn more about actual programming next.

(Another quest for another time...)


Greg 04-10-2008 04:38 PM

Now I'm wondering if it's possible to pilfer the idle behaviors from the adults and use that to override the elders.

Zirconia Wolf 04-11-2008 04:49 PM

That would be very cool indeed!

On the other end of the age spectrum, I found some lovely non-default skins on MTS2 that give infants hair, & am re-reading the instructions I found for making custom skins into default overrides to see if I can get the babies in my game to look cuter without needing to fool around with custom skin tones for the parents & such.

Someday I should just shut up & play this friggen game, eh?


Greg 04-11-2008 05:11 PM

Naw. As I've said before, it's a toy, not a game, and you're having fun playing with it! :D

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