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Zirconia Wolf 05-19-2008 05:47 AM

Actually, the only Were Wolves in the game are ones you deliberately create by having a Sim become friends with & be nibbled by the Leader Of The Pack, a big black wolf with gold eyes. (This is not an easy thing to do & certainly isn't going to happen without you setting it up for a Sim.)

There are no default Were Wolf NPCs (like the Grand Vampires of Nightlife) running around your hoods or anything. In fact, as long as I have had Pets, I have never bothered having any Were Wolf Sims.

I personally never thought of the "Supernatural" Sims (PlantSims, Zombies, Were Wolves, etc) as a problem, as they aren't just going to happen out of the blue; you have to deliberately spray to much poison/pay to little for a resurrection/go out of your way to do the "be nibbled" interaction/etc, etc.

Anyway, if you're really afraid, there are mods that stop those things all together. (For instance, DJ's Anti Wolf sign will keep any wolves from visiting your lot.)


Miros1 05-19-2008 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Greg (Post 8574)
Do you get the impression that someone at Maxis must live in a trash dump in Antarctica? :thinking:

I suspect Antarctica is a more hospitable and humane environment than a cubicle farm in California!


Originally Posted by Greg (Post 8578)
I had forgotten about werewolves. Yup, that is sufficient reason for me not to install Pets; don't want 'em in my game and don't want 'em cluttering up my disk drive. :thinking:

Like Zirconia said... stay inside when wolves (big dogs with glowie eyes) are on the prowl, and you won't have any werewolves.

You want Pets for the puppies and kittens. Sheba's still got half the alphabet to go!

Greg 05-19-2008 11:15 PM

Yeah, as long as there are hacks to thwart strays and werewolves, the apparent ills of Pests can be held at bay. Nevertheless, it really chaps to have to install fan-created hacks to get rid of [idiotic, sophomoric, lame, moronic, stupid, noisome] features that I don't want.

Of course, I've long had the same thoughts about a lot of Microsoft software, but at least Microsoft gives you the options to turn them off! :laugh:

Miros1 05-20-2008 11:52 AM

If you use the Pets portion of "No Ugly Townies," the strays are kept to a minimum, even with no hacks.

One thing that's kind of funny with Pets... If you use a custom CAS lot, with a glass door in the "scene," the wolves will come sniffing at the door.

Gives new meaning to "keeping the wolves from the door"!

Greg 05-20-2008 10:27 PM

Are you saying that werewolves will show up on your CAS screen? :thinking:

Miros1 05-20-2008 11:54 PM

No, the wolves (big black or white dogs with glowie eyes) will show up on your CAS screen.

You don't have werewolves until one of them bites a Sim.

Zirconia Wolf 05-21-2008 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Greg (Post 8593)
Nevertheless, it really chaps to have to install fan-created hacks to get rid of [idiotic, sophomoric, lame, moronic, stupid, noisome] features that I don't want.

I guess this is one of the problems with game design; one person's "lame & moronic" is another person's "quirky & humorous". For me, I play the game to escape reality, not recreate it to a "T". (If Sims 3 follows the uber-reality fan hacks & introduces menstruation cycles, I will ban it from my PC forever, even if it meets every single spec I ranted about before because to me, THAT is lame & moronic! )

I have to admit that I'm one of the fools who actually finds much of the "lame" stuff to be funny. (I like to blame it on my Sci-Fi/Fantasy upbringing & love of B-Grade movies, but I'm pretty sure it's more of a personal flaw! )

As for having to install fan hacks to deal with those things, I don't bother with most of them as "those things" are 99.99% already completely controlled by the player in the first place. The only real exceptions would be Alien Abductions (though you can avoid those by not using the uber expensive telescope) & the NPC Vampires being able to to antonymous biting, which I fully admit is lame & moronic & for which I have installed a fan hack for.

I suppose a smarter way for Maxis to handle these things would have been to have something like a "Supernatural Elements on/off" setting like there is for graphic, audio & other game play options...maybe even something you could set on a Hood-By-Hood basis?

Hmmmm, actually, it would be cool if you could set different "global" properties for different Hoods! Dang, I wish I had learned more about computer programing....


Hokieman 05-21-2008 04:20 PM

Following along in ZW's path, I'm with her on the view of what is "lame and mornic" versus "quirky & humerous" is a purely personal thing. We all have our likes and dislikes. There are things in the game that I find to be outright annoying (like busking in private residences), but others that tickle my funny bone (like the penguin). Other folks may find the exact opposite.

IMHO, most of the problem is that it's not the specific behaviors themselves, it's the frequency of the behaviors, like the toddler going for the toilet every single time you turn around (though that one I have to admit is pretty close to my know reality, especially with little boys! LOL) and a hungry Sim always going after a Lobster meal. EA/Maxis could have set the behaviors a little less aggressively. Moderation rather than the near extreme attraction that they have.

Greg 05-22-2008 12:02 AM

Whatever floats your boat! :laugh:

Yeah, there are a lot of things in the game that are cute once, and few that are cute even once in a while.

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