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Hokieman 12-19-2008 11:58 PM

A friend of mine in Chicago sent me an email yesterday, telling me he had between 18-24 inches at his house and it hadn't stopped yet! Makes me thankful that we only have to deal with it for only a day or two.

Most of our snow is pretty well gone on the streets and the freeways were back up to speed. The mountains still have a lot and are really pretty. Sure beats the normal brown.

Greg 12-20-2008 01:38 AM

I haven't talked to my sister, but since both she and her husband are retired, at least they don't have to go out and drive in it! That is, unless they drive down to visit mom in Athens, which they are prone to do.

I'm pretty sure that Lake Michigan is much more likely to contribute some lake-effect snow to the local terrain that Lake Mead would be.

mishmish0759 01-01-2009 01:03 AM

Beautiful weather here in Boca Raton, FL. Pleasant days ub the 80`s and cooler nights as low as 68 degrees Farenheight. :)

Greg 01-01-2009 02:33 AM

It's been like that here in Houston, too, albeit about 15 degrees cooler. We had a cold, rainy day one day last week and that was just about the excitement since the day it snowed.

Miros1 01-01-2009 02:55 AM

We're having a white New Year's Day here. I'll email snowballs to all you people with nice green lawns.

Greg 01-03-2009 05:23 PM

Yup, we had a green Christmas and a green New Year's Day down here in the swamp. This is the time of the year that Houston pays us back for the wretchedly hot and humid summers.

Miros1 01-04-2009 05:52 PM


There's your snowball I promised!

Greg 01-04-2009 06:35 PM



Now you're all covered with sand from the beach at Galveston!

Miros1 01-04-2009 08:28 PM

Oh, good, I can put that under the tires for better traction!

Greg 01-06-2009 12:43 AM


Do you still have snow on the ground up there?

Miros1 01-06-2009 02:12 AM

Yes, it's slowly melting, but it's still on the grass and there's icy clumps in the driveway where it got packed down.

Miros1 01-06-2009 10:12 PM

And it's snowing again. I'll have to call my nephew who works for NWS and have it rerouted to Houston!

Greg 01-10-2009 05:32 PM

Good idea! The furshlugginer air conditioner is running today! :rofl:

Miros1 01-10-2009 07:38 PM

Must be nice... It's snowing yet again![

Greg 01-11-2009 02:21 PM

Well... it did get cool enough to switch to the furnace! :D

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