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shorty943 01-30-2008 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Greg (Post 7033)
*envious look*

I'm too cowardly to risk messing around with my machine.

The mechanical\electrical side, is just what you and I have both been educated to mate. It's just engineering, just bits bolted together in a particular order. Hardware and the system setup is no problem.

I just don't understand the abstraction of program coding.
I hate arcane error messages and crash logs.
I learned to speak English in school, not Geek.
Hell, I left school before calculators were invented. So to speak.

Sorry to all coders out there, I do take my hat off to you who "get it", I just don't. I can't just whip the borken bit out, weld her up, turn it back to correct in a lathe, and whack her back together.
Just won't work that way for me.:asking06:
And since the accident, I can't "lift heavy things" any more either.:p :laugh:
Out to pasture with the cows.:laugh:

At least I can usually get myself out of "error code 18" problems.:p :laugh:

Greg 01-31-2008 12:10 PM

Yup, as long as it's plug-and-play stuff from sources I really trust and the instructions are very clear, it's not scary; but when I have to install drivers and reinstall software just to accommodate a new piece of hardware I worry that I could get my machine into a state where it won't even boot up, and then what?

Miros1 01-31-2008 07:34 PM

Well, I'd stuff my computer into the car and head for Walter's Computers Plus... unfortunately, that would be quite a long drive for you!

Greg 01-31-2008 11:23 PM

Yup. I'm afraid Walter will just have to get along without my business. :thinking:

shorty943 02-01-2008 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by Greg (Post 7049)
Yup, as long as it's plug-and-play stuff from sources I really trust and the instructions are very clear, it's not scary; but when I have to install drivers and reinstall software just to accommodate a new piece of hardware I worry that I could get my machine into a state where it won't even boot up, and then what?

Press F8 at boot time, after BIOS stuff, before the windows start screen. Must be quick.
Use arrow keys to go up one space to "restart computer in last known good configuration", press enter.

That's what I do.:p

Greg 02-09-2008 05:03 PM

Hey Shorty, Space Shuttle Atlantis flew right over your home last night! I saw you down there waving! :D

shorty943 02-10-2008 06:45 AM

That wasn't me. I was at a "NEKID CONGA PARTY", on a beach in Mexico.

But, thank's for the heads up mate. I'll see who's been snooping around.

Miros1 02-10-2008 04:54 PM

Actually, one of the calves was dressed up in your clothes...

shorty943 02-10-2008 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Miros1 (Post 7134)
Actually, one of the calves was dressed up in your clothes...

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That'd be right.
This is a fairly funny farm after all.:)

Can you post a photo, so I know who to tell off?::laugh: :p

Greg 02-15-2008 11:51 AM

There must be a picture somewhere in the STS-122 mission archives. :D

shorty943 02-18-2008 12:33 PM

Righto then, umm, it's a pretty big archive, right?

Greg 02-21-2008 12:53 AM

I suspect it is now! :lol:

Just in case someone didn't notice: They're home after a completely successful mission! :D

Sita 02-22-2008 08:38 AM


The space things don't seem to make the news here the way they used to. Still great achievements though. Some celebrity's affair or a footballer's arrest is far more important it seems. (I spose we don't get CNN now... that might be why - no cable in this small town.)

Miros1 02-22-2008 12:29 PM

:lol: Fires get more coverage than the shuttle here.

Jackie: The shuttle landed safely today. Al, tell us about that fire on Harlem Road.
Al: (5 minutes on the fire on Harlem Road.)

Greg 02-22-2008 04:50 PM

At least it's not...

Jackie: The Space Shuttle... what's that?


mikedelaney16 02-22-2008 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Sita (Post 7317)
no cable in this small town.


Who needs cable?

If you have someplace you can mount an 85cm dish with an unobstructed view to the south east (technically to the rear of the house and lower than the top of the roof - otherwise you need planning permission), then you can get one of these from Maplin and point it at Astra 2 @ 28.2E and Eurobird 1 @ 28.5 (they're so close they're effectively colocated) as indicated when you enter your address here then you can receive all these and these English language free-to-air channels.

Of course only about 50 of them are worth watching, especially after you eliminate all the BBC and ITV regional variations. No Channel 4 I'm afraid, not just yet, maybe next month.

Might be worth browsing the Maplin, Aldi or Lidl websites to see if you can find a kit that includes a receiver that can also handle digital terrestrial and even better HD. But you could always upgrade the receiver later.

Or you could go with the not entirely free Freesat option. £150 one off payment, and you get Ch4 and Sky3. But their hardware has proprietary fittings, especially the dish, which is also a tad small.

Sita 02-24-2008 07:41 AM

If hubby really really missed his CNN I spose we could do that, but nah. No money. I'm a victim of the government's drive to get people off benefits. My body doesn't think I am well, nor do my doctors, but the government does. Sorry to bring up UK politics, but this sucks. :zipped: I am not saying how much it REALLY sucks... Specially when you have to live with it and it costs you £300 a month.
Back on topic - we actually don't watch TV much these days, just videos.

shorty943 02-24-2008 11:50 AM

Ahh, good. Another mission under the belt, and all back home, safe and sound.

Politicians and Public\Civil Servants, are the same the world over, I think Sita.

I empathise, entirely, with your situation. Invalid pensioner ex-serviceman myself.
My pension, generously set by the afore mentioned Servants, is 25% of the national weekly average male earnings. Don't you just love them?

And, I'm not allowed to shoot them. :zipped:
They made a law against it for some stupid reason. :p
Probably self preservation. It is to :laugh:

Well. It's late, I'm tired.

Goodnight Johnboy, goodnight granma.

Greg 02-24-2008 12:59 PM

It's interesting that they would set the pension based on a percentage of the average weekly earnings. That would adjust automatically for inflation and other changes in the economy.

Over here, the Congress has to pass a new law every time they want to change the rate for civil service retirement.

mikedelaney16 02-24-2008 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Greg (Post 7352)
That would adjust automatically for inflation and other changes in the economy.

It all depends which index it's tied to Greg.

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