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mikedelaney16 07-28-2007 02:48 PM

simPE and H&M Stuff
Fixed serious typo in version number

If you are not a simPE user, then this doesn't effect you. But you are welcome to continue reading anyway.

Regular simPE users take note that simPE is not compatible with H&M Stuff. I'm sure there will be an update soon, but if you wish to continue using simPE in the meantime, don't install H&M Stuff.

I just found out the hard way. Silly me. Good thing I was only playing test hoods, so I can roll back.


Zirconia Wolf 07-28-2007 02:54 PM


Yes, I noticed the warning pop-up the last time I booted up SimPE. I was just using it to look at some Sims (info gathering) & wasn't changing anything with it, so I didn't notice anything amiss.

The curious side of me wants to know: What happened in your case?

(Since you are still online & playing the game, I know it wasn't a total BFBVFS...)

Miros1 07-28-2007 02:55 PM

I'm running

Zirconia Wolf 07-28-2007 02:58 PM

Hmm...just checked my version # & it too is 62.1.100.

I still get the warning pop up- so I'm not gonna chance things yet- but I'm wondering if it's as big of a problem with this version...

innocentmonster 07-28-2007 02:59 PM

OMG!!!I didn't know.I had to call Dell Tech Support because I deleted something that I thought was breaking my game but when I deleted it my game wasn't able to start up.So then I got everything installed when the guy helped me and it said I can't put back in H&M so its still not in my computer

mikedelaney16 07-28-2007 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Zirconia Wolf (Post 3354)
The curious side of me wants to know: What happened in your case?

I just went to edit some stuff in my No Fugly Downtownies experiment and got the popup message. Nothing lost, but I either have to start over, or wait for a new version of simPE.

But my actual game is uneffected, as long as I do a complete clean reinstall of everything except H&M Stuff. Theres some nice content in both the H&M and Glamour Stuff packs btw.

mikedelaney16 07-28-2007 08:22 PM

Please note the correction in post #1.

My original post was typed by my pet monkey while I dictated in a slurred manner. :)

Zenmistress 07-29-2007 01:34 AM

Thanks for the info....I haven't installed H&M, and now I guess I'll wait a little longer, just in case I want to use SimPE

Greg 07-29-2007 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by innocentmonster (Post 3358)
OMG!!!I didn't know.I had to call Dell Tech Support because I deleted something that I thought was breaking my game but when I deleted it my game wasn't able to start up.So then I got everything installed when the guy helped me and it said I can't put back in H&M so its still not in my computer

Wow! That's a big plus for Dell tech support. I'm amazed that they were able to help you with EA software.

keno 07-29-2007 02:14 PM

i really didn't wanna ask...but what is H&M? :grilledcheese:

Miros1 07-29-2007 04:00 PM

H&M is a clothing company.

EA apparently is making marketting deals with various companies, such as H&M and Ford. The 2008 Ford Focus is available at the Maxis site for the game now.

Zirconia Wolf 07-29-2007 04:15 PM

Well, having already added H&M to my game (I have no will power it seems) this is a good thing to know! I was about to try & play around with some Sim memories...think I'll wait a bit now!

Thankfully, I had already zipped up the ugly townies & installed my new default sets before adding H&M, so- while I can't go through & erase the unmeet people in the Maxis default hoods- at least my newly created hoods all have different & nice looking Townies/Downtownies/Dormies!

Yes I must agree that both H&M and Glamour Life have some nice (IMO) content. I'm an EP/SP addict. I've got 'em all. Actually never even started with just the base game: I jumped right in with everything-up-to-Pets! Same story with Sims 1, actually (it was Unleashed that intriged me) & will most likely be the same story with Sims 3: as soon as I can have pets in the game, I'll fork over the dough. I'm a sucker for animals...

Given the fact that we (addicts) are about to be hit with Bon Voyage, I would think the SimPE team might wait to release an update untill it's okay for H&M aswell as Bon Voyage??

Miros1 07-29-2007 05:18 PM

Yeah, that's what they did with Celebration Stuff and Seasons...

Greg 07-29-2007 05:24 PM

Those stuff packs and expansion packs might be lots of fun when I install them some time next year! :D

mikedelaney16 07-29-2007 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Greg (Post 3387)
Those stuff packs and expansion packs might be lots of fun when I install them some time next year! :D

Best to do it before then as Sims3 is supposed to be released sometime next year, and you just wont have time then. :D

Zirconia Wolf 07-29-2007 05:52 PM

Next year!!!


I haven't even come close to "finishing" Sims 2 yet...

Miros1 07-29-2007 06:25 PM

Lol, the grapevine sez S3 won't be customizable, so eff 'em! I'll just play S2 until my disks won't spin up anymore!

mikedelaney16 07-29-2007 06:32 PM

That would be akin to EA shooting themselves in the foot a la Ashton Tate (dBase). Sounds just like something EA would do.

Zirconia Wolf 07-30-2007 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by Miros1 (Post 3398)
Lol, the grapevine sez S3 won't be customizable, so eff 'em! I'll just play S2 until my disks won't spin up anymore!

:asking06: Not customizable???????:asking06:

You have got to be kidding. Then again, given the company in question...(They're not shooting themselves in the foot; it's more like the head!):confused:

Well phooey on that! Looks like I'm "stuck" with Sims 2 for sometime. (On the plus side, I'll save alot more money!) :)

Greg 07-30-2007 03:13 AM

I'm not sure about The Sims 3 not being customizeable. All I've heard about that is fans speculating about it.

EA didn't intend for The Sims 2 to be costomizeable, either. The only official customization built into The Sims 2 is recoloring the clothing and makeup. Nevertheless, the fans have been able to get into just about everything.

Beyond that, I don't know of any computer game that hasn't been hacked by the fans. They would have to really work hard to keep us out of The Sims 3. :D

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