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AuntieThorne 08-16-2007 01:54 AM

High Desert Sims 2 Psycho Grama
Hi, ya'll! I'm a new Sims2-er, but sorely addicted already! My partner thinks I'm crazy, but then she didn't play with dollhouses as a girl, either! This is too much fun! So far I've been playing and downloading and building a bit... just fumbling along. Tonight I'm reading some tutorials and going to try some recolors for starters (I was a graphic designer back when moby dick was a minnow... *s*. I'm no wiz these days, but can usually find my way around photoshop, so figured I'd start there.) I may be stuck with recolors unless anyone knows what meshing programs for Mac will work for the game? I found "Meshworks", but really have no idea where to start, and most of the tutorials are for PC meshing software. Any Macusers please advise!:p

Miros1 08-16-2007 02:18 AM

Hi, Auntie!

Greg 08-16-2007 05:55 AM

Welcome to Sun Sims, Auntie Thorn! :D

I have a fleet of Macs, but I play The Sims 2 on a PC and have no idea what meshing utilities might be available for MacOS. Since so many movies are produced on the Mac I would guess that there are lots of them.

Maya by Autodesk is available for (actually written for) MacOS X, but it's beastly expensive. The last I heard, the sticker price was about $5,000 so it's definitely a rich kid's toy. On the other hand, I've heard rumors that it's possible to use the Maya Personal Learning Edition (Maya PLE) to generate 3D models that will work in The Sims 2, and the PLE is free. It might be worth looking into!

Miros1 08-16-2007 10:51 AM

You want to research that very carefully. I've heard that it's not compatible and althought Maya PLE is cheap, it's not free.

shorty943 08-19-2007 06:16 AM

G-day there, from Australia, Auntie.

We look forward to chatting in the social forums with you.
And do dip into our on going novella entitled some thing or other. You will find it under the three word story thread.
Oh, a word of warning. All posts by all members will be hijacked. That's just how we are around here. It's fun to chat.

Sorry I can't be of help with Mac, don't have one. Any way I flounder myself. So I leave the help thing for those who understand it.:confused:

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