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Zirconia Wolf 10-20-2008 01:58 AM

Changing Face Templates via SimPE?
Okay, I know how to use SimPE to change the skintones of Sims in my Hoods (thanks Hokiman!) but I am now wondering if it is possible to change a Sims face without all the hassle of having to first create a Sim with the "good" face in Body Shop/CAS & then use the SimPE Sim Surgery plug-in to paste the "good" face onto the one I am trying to change.

I really don't want to have to go and create a bazillion "useless" Sims just so I can de-uckify some of the scarier pre-made Townies. (I let the pre-made Maxian Hoods keep all their pre-made peeps, but I want to lessen the ick factor on some of them!)

I guess I am hoping for something along the lines of figuring out the "code name" for a given Face Template & just slapping it in the right place, like the slick way you can change skintones (thanks again Hokiman!) as I have cultivated a nice set of default CAS Face Template replacements & would like to apply some of them to a few of the grosser pre-mades out there!

Any thoughts/advise/suggestions?



Miros1 10-20-2008 02:12 AM

Hm, good question!

I have a link for a tutorial on how to make a template from a Sim, maybe the process could be reversed... Lemme post the link I've currently got in my clipboard and I'll look...

Zirconia Wolf 10-20-2008 03:56 PM

That would be cool!

I did stumble on this tutorial at MTS2:

It's about how to make the face you just gave a Sim via cosmetic surgery in-game into their genetic face via SimPE. This would at least cut out the whole "make-a-Sim" thing.

The trick now is getting the appropriate Townies/Downtownies to undergo surgery in the game. I read somewhere that this can be done with InSim, but I haven't yet figured out just how...



Looks like TJ's Sim Blender has a "Fug Factory" option, which is basically cosmetic surgery for anyone on the lot. Between that & Inge Jone's Teleporter, I think I'm set!

(In case you haven't guessed yet, I am gearing up for another Hood Re-Set. Not a reinstall, just a clean re-set as I am now getting pretty savvy on the subject of "character zipping" & want to get things juuuust right...)

Miros1 10-20-2008 08:48 PM

I think all the ugly Maxis people have had more than one chance to "live once."

Greg 10-21-2008 11:42 AM

I'm sure I have seen replacements for the default Maxis-made sims but I don't know if those overwrite the faces that show up as options in the CAS screen or Body Shop. It surely would be nice to fix that because there are only two or three default faces that I'm willing to use.

Most of the individual parts of the face in the CAS screen need to be fixed, too.

Zirconia Wolf 10-21-2008 05:16 PM

Yeah, the Sim replacements are different than Face Template overrides.

I have (finally) pieced together a complete set of overrides for all 27 Face Templates that suit my fancy & even found a set of Sim Overrides to make the Asian locals of Takemezu Village (Bon Voyage's Far East destination) actually look sort of Asian.

If you are looking for nice Face Template overrides, here's a few links:
(a full set)
(another full set)
(a nice 08 Asian face)
(a pretty 01 Heart face)
(a gorgeous 18 CAUS face, which is arguably the worst one Maxis made)

There are tons more, but these are some of the nicest.


(I know; the pre-made Townies have had more than their fair share of "days in the sun", but I'm afraid of annihilating them completely from the pre-made Hoods since some of the pre-made playable Sims have relationship scores with the various Townies. I figured plastic surgery would at least lessen the ick factor impact...)

Greg 10-21-2008 05:48 PM

Among these and some others I looked at, I think I like Selzi's face templates the best. They're the second one on your list.

It's worth a try. It says here that the templates won't change the faces of existing sims and any sims you create with them will keep their faces if you uninstall the templates.

Miros1 10-21-2008 09:39 PM

I think there's a way to add faces to the "whole faces" step (#2 in CAS) too. I'm still looking for that, since I think it would be cool (and in keeping with my "face collector" title on InSim and GSC) to just have complete, nice faces to click.

BTW, dboyd/justdave and joetteare (sorry i can't spell) make very pretty Asian ladies too!!!!

Crystal 10-21-2008 11:56 PM

I got to try this. I would like to get some nice pretty faces to start with when I make sims and have townies that look like real people.

Greg 10-22-2008 03:26 AM

Rose, do you mean to actually increase the number of faces that show up, without having to go to the sim bin?

Miros1 10-22-2008 07:57 AM

Crystal: Yes, get replacement templates. It's so nice to have human looking Townies, Dormies, etc. Here's my tute on how to hide all the crappy Maxis people:

Greg: Yes! If I could just find the darn tutorial, it would be explained right there. But it, and the recipe for chocolate pie with peanut butter mousse, have escaped my ability to find them!

Greg 10-22-2008 11:59 PM

Ah, that 'splains it. You're dealing with the Tutorial & Recipe Bandit!

Zirconia Wolf 10-23-2008 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Greg
Ah, that 'splains it. You're dealing with the Tutorial & Recipe Bandit!

I think I know know that guy!

Isn't he the one that's also responsible for stealing "The Page That Had That Cool Download That Google Won't Find Ever Again"?

Or, maybe that's his evil little brother...


Miros1 10-23-2008 04:13 PM

Actually, they're twins. They like to hide files on my puter too!

Greg 10-23-2008 11:08 PM

Well, since Google has sold out to the dark side, try a Yahoo search instead! :D

I've been using Yahoo almost exclusively for the past several weeks and have had far better luck in finding what I'm after.

Zirconia Wolf 10-24-2008 02:16 PM

I came to Google after fighting with a bunch of the other "search engines" (this was back in the days of Lycos, Ask Jeeves, etc, etc) when I discovered that 90% of them seemed to have little to no interest in searching for what I typed in, preferring instead to give me a list of randomly generated sites that rarely had anything to do with what I was seeking.

Google always came through like a champ & I've been a die-hard user ever since...but lately I've been having some difficulties getting Google to play nice, so I may revisit Yahoo & see if they've cleaned up their engine since "back in the day". (They must have, as you say you are having spiffy luck with them!)


Miros1 10-24-2008 06:08 PM

Another site is, which was founded by a couple Google ex-employees. The founders actually gave up most of their severance package to get out of the non-compete clause.

Reader 10-25-2008 02:24 AM

I switched to Yahoo as well, because I was not happy with what Google is doing. I just gave a try and it looks pretty good!

Don't tell Crystal, but I'm sending myself a reminder about CUIL from Crystal's email. (She and Coco went out in the rain and got soaked. Now they're upstairs changing clothes.) There's still some putridy on CUIL but it is not nearly as putrid as Google.

Zirconia Wolf 10-25-2008 04:41 AM

Just popped over to Cuil & have to say "wow!"

So far it's looking like a nice Google alternative!


Reader 10-25-2008 05:17 PM

I like the way it tells you more about the site. I haven't tried searching for images yet.

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