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innocentmonster 07-26-2007 12:00 AM

Big family
My name is important in this story but I must tell you that my name is Veronica and I am a quintuplet.In this part of my story me and my other three look alike like me siblings aren't born.Neither is my triplet siblings born before me.Ok well her it goes.

This is mom and dad.Mom has black hair and dad has brown.During each certain pregnancy she changed her hair color after so be on the look-out for that.Mom and dad are sweet and caring,they own the biggest house on the block.After I am born I will show you the house but not in this chapter.
Mom is a cosmetic/hairdresser,while dad is a doctor.Mom only owns the place and comes there at times.

In this photo they are doing a duet.Mom had just told dad that she was pregnant and this is dad's way of celebrating.

Mom and dad were having dessert.They discussed baby names but couldn't come up with anything that would fit.

Eight months pregnant.Mom found out its going to be twins of both gender.

Baby Time!

Say hello to the babies.Dad is holding baby Max Millionares.Mom is holding baby Russia Millionares.They are cute,aren't they?

innocentmonster 07-26-2007 08:58 PM

Mom just found out she's pregnant again after twins Russia and Max.They had just turned two 1/2.

She gave birth to triplets!Say hello to baby Lianna,Lance and Lonna.Lance is in the army print crib,Lianna is in the pink crib and Lonna is the one in mom's hands.

Max is cuddling up to mom.He is sleepy so mom decided to rock him to sleep.
The next morning mom went to the salon.

She came back like this!

Greg 07-26-2007 09:57 PM

Omigoodness! Quintuplets! I know what a challenge that can be! :lol:

innocentmonster 07-26-2007 10:26 PM

The most hard part is-dealing with her two children,three toddlers and four babies.Should have seen it when there were two toddlers and three babies

Greg 07-27-2007 06:19 AM

I can sympathize! I've have my share of large families. F'rinstance...

The Broadleaf Sextuplets

innocentmonster 07-27-2007 02:51 PM

I've seen that photo but they have many people taking care of them(I think) unless they all have the same mom and dad,my baby/toddler sims have only 1 1/2 people helping them (dad works so while mom sleeps dad takes care of the babies/toddlers)

Miros1 07-27-2007 03:36 PM

No, Greg's babies only have a mom and dad.

I started playing my legacy 'hood again. I've got the nasty feeling the two women in the group marriage wanna be baby machines -- I'm never gonna be able to keep track of all of their kids! No pics yet, the first two are still babies.

<wanders off in search of a bigger family hack>

innocentmonster 07-27-2007 03:43 PM

Thank god I know what hack I need to turn my child sims back to toddler sims (accidentally turned toddlers Russia and Max into children)

mikedelaney16 07-27-2007 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Miros1 (Post 3277)
<wanders off in search of a bigger family hack>

LotFullOfSims mod
Make sure to read the Season compatibility issues.

innocentmonster 07-27-2007 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by mikedelaney16 (Post 3280)
LotFullOfSims mod
Make sure to read the Season compatibility issues.

WAA...its only compatible with Pets,ah well i'll go buy it but I have to wait until Modthesims2 downloading is available

mikedelaney16 07-27-2007 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by innocentmonster (Post 3282)
WAA...its only compatible with Pets,ah well i'll go buy it but I have to wait until Modthesims2 downloading is available

Well, if you look further down the page you'll see a link to the OFB and pre OFB version by Doc Dufus at

MTS2 downloads are available to me, so maybe you should try them anyway

innocentmonster 07-27-2007 04:03 PM

ok,i'll try.OMG downloads work!I said that because yesterday it didn't

Zirconia Wolf 07-27-2007 04:28 PM

Lot Full Of Sims is a great mod! (Can't imagine playing without it, frankly!)

It's the only way I could ever of combined the Ottomas & Crittur families, & still have all the pending babies/puppies born without issues.

(*shudder* That picture of the Broadleaf babies always freaks me out! Greg, you are a much
more adventuresome person that I am!!!!)

Miros1 07-27-2007 05:50 PM

MTS2 probably has a lot of people like me who have been saving bookmarks to download en masse.

Thanks for the link, Mike!

innocentmonster 07-27-2007 07:35 PM

Since Downloading didn't work on that site,I added the ones I liked to my favorites and today i'm going to go download them

mikedelaney16 07-27-2007 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by innocentmonster (Post 3299)
Since Downloading didn't work on that site,I added the ones I liked to my favorites and today i'm going to go download them

Hmm, it worked for me, I guess it depends a bit on your ISP and the route to the site.

MTS2 should settle down again soon, they have almost 90% of the money needed for a new file server. $4080 seems a bit steep but it probably has to have a huge hard drive, loads of RAM and a kick ass connection, and that's where the real cost comes in.

innocentmonster 07-27-2007 09:50 PM

ya,its alot.I couldn't donate anything because I only have money left to pay the bills and buy some grocery's and money for gas for my car so nothing left to give because I need to get my paycheck this weekend

innocentmonster 07-27-2007 10:06 PM

Lianna(in the panda suit),Lonna(in yellow) and Lance turned two.

Max and Russia turned four.

Mom's shop which is called Briana's Hair salon.The business is great.She has so many customers and employees.Mom is due any time now with me,and my three other siblings.

Look into next chapter-Briana gives birth to four and you will see what the house looks like!

mikedelaney16 07-27-2007 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by innocentmonster (Post 3303)
ya,its alot.I couldn't donate anything because I only have money left to pay the bills and buy some grocery's and money for gas for my car so nothing left to give because I need to get my paycheck this weekend

Sorry, I hope you, and everyone else, didn't think I was canvasing for donations on their behalf. I wasn't.

innocentmonster 07-27-2007 10:43 PM

no lol I meant I wish I could,OMG only 8% left

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