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Zirconia Wolf 05-30-2007 01:21 PM

The next EP for Sims 2 has just been offically announced over on the offical site.

Named BON VOYAGE, it is basically a version of Vacation, just updated for The Sims 2. This incarnation gives us tropical getaways, mountain camping & the far east.

Not much else is said (yet) about it, but it sounds like fun!

(Also gives me hope that an updated Makin Magic pack could still be comming! )

shorty943 06-05-2007 04:13 AM

And if you live on a mountain in a tropical far eastern country?
I want to vacation in some exotic locale thank you, not in my own back yard.
Mars looks good, or some other less travelled place. What about a trip on "The Love Boat" or up to the space station?
Not that it worries me yet, I have only just installed Pets, and my local shop has Seasons on order for me. Now there is a new, new pack. Oh my.
I suppose there are more than just 2 stuff packs as well? More than just Family Fun and Glamour Life?

homerette 06-05-2007 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by shorty943 (Post 2045)
I suppose there are more than just 2 stuff packs as well? More than just Family Fun and Glamour Life?

Oh my yes, there's a Celebration Stuff pack and an H&M Fashion Stuff pack(US release late June). They're keeping the market flooded so no one thinks too terribly hard about quality. I think they figure the custom content makers are the biggest critics, so if they keep them busy updating, all will be well.

shorty943 06-05-2007 12:29 PM

Oh, I'm not running that late then, about 1 after everything is normal for me.

Zirconia Wolf 06-05-2007 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by shorty943 (Post 2045)
And if you live on a mountain in a tropical far eastern country?
I want to vacation in some exotic locale thank you, not in my own back yard.
Mars looks good, or some other less travelled place...


You raise an intersting point! What- exactly- constitutes a "vacation" & just who defines it? Personally, if I lived on a mountain in a tropical far eastern country I would consider myself permenantly on vacation! Although Mars would be pretty tempting...asuming I could get there in back in days, not years!

Being that this is a Sims 2 EP, I would be willing to bet that (like 99% of the game already) a "Vacation Destination" will most likely be completely customisable to a user's tastes, especally if you have Seasons installed too! So if you're really tired of your tropical, far east mountain top, I am sure you could design something else for your Sims.

As to your "EP Envy" (or is that EP Frustration? ) I feel your "pain". I just got through with the "Reinstall From H---" not long ago to get my game offically Seasons & Celebrations functional (FYI do not try & add the Seasons EP to a fresh, never-played game) & now Maxis releases word of the H&M Stuff Pack as well as Bon Voyage.


Not being a fashion freak (I honestly don't even know who/what H&M is! ) I'm not planning on snarfing up the SP any time soon, but knowing what I know about me I will almost certainly be one of the 1st nut-cases to snatch up Bon Voyage as soon as I can. (Hey, somebody's gotta let the modding community know what needs fixing! )

I better get my save-game-backup-files up to date....

Sita 06-11-2007 02:17 AM

Vacation for S2
I am very much looking forward to this EP - loved Vacation and miss it.

Still having a ball in Second Life - my avatar's wedding and honeymoon will be on Mars :)

Greg 06-11-2007 02:40 AM

It looks pretty neat!

I was hoping that the title meant it would include some stuff that allowed us to build boats, but this does not appear to be the case.

shorty943 06-12-2007 11:22 AM

It's Okay Greg. Even if they could drive a boat, we would only see them leave the dock any way.

But, like the rest of us, I will install EP6, 7, 8, etc.

WHEN THE PATCH, is released.
Never before, I made that mistake with Nightlife.

As for SP's? Got the first couple. Since the "Klosterfokker". I mean installing Seasons. I mean, re-installing the whole game from clean and spending all last week finding the damned conflicting hacks. I haven't even got around to installing the Stuff packs.

Beep, explitive, cuss word, hititwithahammer, stupid bloody EA changes.

Next month you say?
Bon Voyage is due when? But. But. But, I just got it all functional again.

I'm beginning to suspect EA make changes, purely to disrupt only certain kinds of game hacks.
Any body else have the Seasons version of InTeen conflict with itself? No?
And that was with a clean Downloads folder. The only thing installed was InTeen. Probably a dud partial download, I'll grab a fresh copy next week.
And who else has noticed, how many creators custom content, has suddenly been made redundant by Seasons.
Out door camp fires, fishing hobbies, just right of the bat.

On the whole though, I'd say I've always looked forward to every EP release.

A thought just came to me. What will happen to our Sims pets, when our Sims go on vacation. Not a (shudder) "boarding kennel" I hope.

Such is life.

Zenmistress 06-12-2007 04:22 PM

Oh nooooooo...I'm going to be behind yet ANOTHER Xpack. And I have no Stuff packs. *cries* I can't believe I'm so behind. At least I know I'm not completely alone. LOL

What happened to our pets in S1 when Sims went on vacation? I don't remember.

Miros1 06-12-2007 07:49 PM

The pets went on vacation with you, if the whole family went together.

Zenmistress 06-12-2007 11:14 PM

Well, then, that just might be what happens with S2, too. Maybe there will be some sort of kennel or pet sitter option. That'd be cool!

Greg 06-13-2007 12:25 AM

Now that I think about it, I had all the Sims 1 expansion packs installed and never once sent them on vacation.

Zenmistress 06-13-2007 04:25 PM

I had them all installed, too.
I sent them on vacation. But didn't give them pets. LOL
I had them play with the animals at the pet store, cause the piddling on the floor drove me nuts.

Greg 06-13-2007 06:18 PM

I had one sim get a pet and played her and her cat for almost ten whole minutes.

Miros1 06-13-2007 09:00 PM

I forget what I did about the piddling, but quite a few families had pets in my game... I did hate when they got unhappy and destroyed my garden tho. You could build mazes to keep out the gophers and such, but the dogs would thread their way through and dig up my expensive crops!

Greg 06-14-2007 03:36 AM

Fences, perhaps?

Miros1 06-14-2007 04:12 AM

I'd build mazes out of fences around two stinking grapevines, since there weren't any real gates in S1 and I didn't want to rip out a fence section every time the Sims needed to get in to tend, water, or harvest.

Like I said, the gophers couldn't get in, but the dogs would work their way through and dig 'em up!

Greg 06-14-2007 06:18 AM

Oh... I thought there were real gates in the The Sims 1. But it's been a long time since I've played with it.

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