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Miros1 07-05-2007 08:08 PM

How to modify relationships between Sims

#1 (not shown) Start SimPE. Tools->Neighborhood Browser. Choose your hood. BACK UP. If you didn't back up, BACK UP. Have you backed up yet? No? BACK UP. If you haven't backed up, anything that happens is on you! I told you to BACK UP! Open the hood.

#2 Click on Sim Description (SDSC) in the upper left window. Click on the header of the first column in the upper right window.

#3 Click on the name of the Sim whose relationships you wish to modify.

#4 Click on the Relations button in the lower window.

#5 Change the family if necessary, then click on the other Sim.

#6a & #6b Change the relationships as appropriate.

In my example, I made Chance unrelated to Chelsea and Claudia so he could get romantic with his girl cousins. When he's made up his mind, I'll make the other cousin "Cousin" again.

#7 Commit.

Repeat steps 3 to 7 as necessary.

#8 Save.

Notes: It is safe to create polygamous families this way.

The way I'd do it is to check the following for all members of the multiple marriage: Friends, Buddies, Crush, Known, Love, Married, Steady, Family, but not engaged. I don't know what would happen if the Sim is married to one Sim and engaged to another; if you want to try it, it's your game. Did you BACK UP?

innocentmonster 07-05-2007 08:16 PM

This is great!I'll use it now

Miros1 07-05-2007 08:20 PM


Have I stressed that enough?

Back to my game to get Chance paired off with one of his cousins...

homerette 07-05-2007 08:37 PM

I'll stress it with you! BACK UP! I lost a 'hood last month from sheer negligence!

Greg 07-05-2007 09:00 PM

Long ago, I lost my entire GAME because I didn't have a backup when I installed the first Maxis patch. Backups are good! Very, very good! :D

Miros1 07-05-2007 09:22 PM

Greg, I think you bitched and moaned more about Night Life than you did about losing your game to the patch... or maybe that was shock setting in?

My video card went haywire, so I had to quit before I got Chance paired up... back to the game!

Greg 07-05-2007 09:30 PM

There definitely was a lot more discussion about the problems I had with Nightlife than when I lost all sims. That was because lots of people had opinions about Nightlife, but nobody had a clue about what blew away all my sims.

Miros1 07-05-2007 11:28 PM

Lol, I had an opinion about NL, and I didn't even have the base game yet!

Well, I got Chance going steady with his cousin Claudia. I'd rather have him with Chelsea, but you know Sims... Now to send them both to Uni so they can get engaged...

Greg 07-06-2007 04:03 PM

B'b'but... if you're editing the relationships table directly, did the sims really have a voice in this? :thinking:

Miros1 07-06-2007 04:59 PM

No, I just removed the family flag and the "cousin" relationship with both girls and started up the game. Chance "picked" Claudia, so I restored the family flag and cousin relationship with Chelsea before I played again.


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