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Greg 06-05-2007 04:32 AM

How to Upload Stuff
How to Upload Stuff

Before You Upload
  1. Make something for The Sims 2.
    Kind of obvious, huh? The key point is that you shouldn't upload stuff to Sun Sims that's not for The Sims 2. Also, if it's adult-oriented material, please don't upload it to Sun Sims.

  2. Take a screen shot of it.

  3. Unless it's a recolor of another object, make sure that the tool tip tells who made it and what it is.

  4. Edit the screen shot so that it's no larger than 600x600.
    FYI, I usually use 512x384 for my screen shots.

  5. Rename your file to something intelligible. Your filename should always start with a short identifier for you, the artist. You can rename all files in The Sims 2; filenames don't matter, and you should never upload files that start with Maxian alphabet soup in their filenames.

  6. Compress your item for The Sims 2 in either .zip or .rar format.
    I prefer zip, but Somebody Around Here will go on about the benefits of rar, so use whatever floats your boat.

  7. Sims and lots are are special cases where you need to be very careful with custom content, so look around for additional tutorials and rules about those.

How to Upload
This same procedure will work on Sun Sims, The Pearl's Chateau, Insimenator, Insimadult, or any other vBulletin board.
  1. Start a new message in the area that best fits whatever you're uploading. Give it an intelligible message subject. Enter a description of whatever you're uploaded.
    Key point: Your upload should be attached the first message in the thread. Unless it's a set of things, each upload should have its own thread.
    Message subject: Please make it concise, unique, and descriptive. Do not use the word "new" in your subject.

  2. Scroll down the page to the "Additional Options" and find the button that says "Manage Attachments." Click on that button.

  3. On the next screen you'll see several blank boxes with buttons that say "Browse." Click on one of those buttons. The Windows Explorer dialog opens.
    At the bottom of the window is a list of the types of files you can upload to Sun Sims. Note that we don't allow .Sims2Pack or .bmp files. Please compress .Sims2Pack files with zip or rar. The preferred format for images is JPEG.

  4. Find the file on your computer that you want to upload. Select it. Click on "Open."

  5. Repeat step 4 if you want to upload additional files. (Perhaps an image of the item you're uploading.)

  6. When you've selected all the stuff you want to upload (maximum of 10 items in a single message), click on the "Upload" button.

  7. Uploading usually takes several seconds. When it's done, you'll see the list of stuff that you have uploade at the bottom of the window. Just close the "Management Attachments" window and go back to your main message editing window.

  8. Submit the message.

  9. Now, if you're like me, you spend the next several minutes editing all the typos out of your message, but basically, you're done! :lol:

shorty943 06-05-2007 04:56 AM

Beauty, thank's Greg.
I can now copy and print this small tutorial, laminate it, and nail it to my forehead.
That way, it should eventually seep into my conscientiousness, right?
Yeah, we'll use that theory for now.

Greg 06-05-2007 05:09 AM


shorty943 06-05-2007 12:22 PM

Yeah, at least making a recolour is not that difficult.
And I even managed to upload a couple of Sims screenshots.
I've had 2 wins on the trot, beauty.

Ah, bugger, it's a steeple chase.

Please see my latest pleading post.


Miros1 06-18-2007 01:12 AM

Rose's version:

To upload:
1) Prepare your files:
1a) Make sure your file has Tool Tip text or other identifying characteristics.
1b) Include your name or nickname as part of the filename.
1c) Always zip your files before uploading!

2) PhotoBucket:
2a) Get a PhotoBucket account. The pictures work better as links to that site than as attachments here.
2b) Upload your screen shots there.
2c) At the bottom of the PhotoBucket album page, there's a button named something like "Generate HTML/IMG tags." Make sure your new screenshot is checked, then click that button.
2d) On the new page, scroll down to "img tags with thumbnails" and click in that entry field. You should get a tool tip that says "Copied."

3) Start a new thread here. In the first post:
3a) Type a brief description of your upload.
3b) Paste in the image tag from your clipboard.
3c) Scroll down to where it says "Manage attachments." That button or link will open a new window.
3d) Use the "Browse" buttons to select your files to upload, then click "Upload." If you've got a slow connection, you might want to upload one or two files at a time. Repeat this step as necessary.
3e) Close the Upload window.
3f) Double check the list of attached files.
3g) Click "Submit."

Greg 06-18-2007 10:54 AM

Hmm... my procedure seems to be missing the part about putting a preview image on Photobucket. Oops.

Miros1 06-18-2007 01:56 PM

Well, when you put it up, we hadn't decided on external hosting for our image files...

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