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basicforsims 03-07-2008 07:31 PM

New Site Basic....For Sims

I've started a new Sims Clothing site.

It is called Basic....For Sims

The URL is:

It is a site with Pay Per Item/Subscription/Free Items

My URL gift button is:

The site is strictly Sims 2 and there is no adult content on the site.

Have a nice day and Thanks!

Let me know if you need anything else.

Greg 03-08-2008 12:26 AM

Thanks! The site looks pretty neat! :D

I think I got it added correctly to the Ultimate Sims list. It shows up as the first entry under "Newest".

That's all the information I need. I'm supposed to wait until you have added a link to The Ultimate Sims List before I turn on the gizmo that shows your button and a description of the site.

basicforsims 03-18-2008 04:35 AM

Basic....For Sims Update
Can I change the Freesite to Pay Site or show some kind of alternative there?

It's primarily a Pay-per-item and Subscription site - but it does have Freebies.


Greg 03-18-2008 12:12 PM

Oops! My booboo! I fixed it! I also activated the "linked to us" gizmo that makes your button and extended description work. :)

basicforsims 03-22-2008 12:31 PM

You Are So Gonna Hate Me

I hate to do this - and I apologize profusely.

I'm new to site ownership - so I've spent a week tweeking and tinking and all that jazz. I've finalized Basic's structure.......and it's a FREE site.


Please don't banish me from Sun Sims.

I wish you a great week....and if you could change the category ONE more time I'll never ask for anything again.

Humbally Yours,


Greg 03-22-2008 02:53 PM


No worries. I'll fix it! :)

Added: Well... I would... but you still have things that are marked for sale in your "Donations" section so that makes it a "Per Item" site. :thinking:

basicforsims 03-23-2008 10:57 AM

It's a Freebie site - with Donation Item Gifts - so does that make it a paysite really? I have TONS of Free stuff.

Just wondering.


Miros1 03-23-2008 05:30 PM

It makes it a per-item site, like Greg said.

Greg 03-23-2008 07:39 PM

Yup, what Rose said. It doesn't matter how many "pay" items there are on a site; if there's at least one, it's not a "free" site.*

In the sticky thread entitled "About Additions and Corrections" it defines the type of site:
Type of Site (Enter one of options from the list below.)
  1. Free: Site does not charge money for anything and does not solicit donations.
  2. Free*: You will see a PayPal button or other request for donations on the site, but all content is available free of charge. Donations to help with the webmaster's costs are completely voluntary, the amount of money requested is reasonable, and there is no program of recurring subscription costs.
  3. Subscription: Requires paid subscription to access any part of the site, or a site that seems to exist primarily to advertise one or more subscription sites.
  4. SimsHost: Once upon a time, one of many sites you could access with a single SimsHost subscription; however, all 115 of these sites are now closed. We will be updating the Ultimate Sims List as soon as we can.
  5. Per Item: Site charges for some or all downloads. This includes "donator items."
  6. Other Pay: Site content costs money or the site solicits inordinately high "donations" but doesn't fit any of the categories above.
I don't have any way of distinguishing between sites that have a few freebies and a lot of pay items, or vice versa; so a "Free" site is one where the user will not see a single item that requires payment of any kind. I added "Free*" to distinguish those sites where there is no charge for content but that do solicit cash donations. (Sun Sims would be a "Free*" site because I do have a PayPal button up there. Not that many people pay any attention to it. :lol:)

A word of caution: Some notionally "free" sites are really just advertising for "pay" sites, and some use all sorts of techniques to lure people to sign up for recurring "donations," where people end up sending them money they don't even know about, even though they claim to be completely free. (The most extreme example that I know of is a site that tries to get you to sign up recurring "donations" of $15 a month, taken directly from your PayPal account without your knowledge.) I try to mark those as "Other Pay" sites when they are discovered.

*I should acknowledge that the idea of a "free" site is really fiction. No matter what the site, somebody pays the bills. There are no truly "free" sites.

basicforsims 03-23-2008 07:44 PM

Okey Dokey
Well whatever okay.

I don't have the intention to get rich off of it or anything and there is no "subscription" I just simply want to be able to keep the site up and keep bringing new creations everyday. The Donation Section is strictly voluntary and the items offered are GIFTS to those who donate because I don't want people to donate anything without getting SOMETHING. There is no "lure" for people to pay every month and definitely not any amount like $15.00. The amounts are $1, $2 and $3 with gifts made available accordingly. And the $3 gets a person 40+creations, unlike a lot of subscription sites that only add about 10 new things a month. I would NEVER trick people into paying me every month with a recurring ANYTHING. I just want that known. But anyway they are YOUR categories - so Okey Dokey. I just want my site to be known for what it is - and it's not a huge for profit thing.

Happy Easter.

basicforsims 03-23-2008 09:16 PM

I Get IT!
:dancing: Okay - so I'm in another forum on another site and it's explained to me in terms I understand.

Don't exclude anyone from any of my downloads - including donation creations. Make all of my items free - and have a donation button not tied to any specific item - for those who want to support the site. I update the site daily and often have around ten creations - so by the end of the year that's over 3000 new items. So I was concerned with bandwidth and webspace, etc. I'm not about profit - just wanting to keep bringing a large, beautiful collection of creations. But - I GET IT!

My point was just that I wanted people who did donate to GET something for their money - however, I now understand that people who choose to donate are getting something by having all of my creations available to everyone and keeping my freesite up. Yes? Do I understand?

Okay - so it will take some time - but soon all of my creations will be free - and I'll have a donation button NOT tied to any items. Got it!!! :dancing:

Greg 03-23-2008 09:50 PM

For sure. I understand how much it costs to run a download site for The Sims 2; been doing it for years.

For what it's worth, none of the "pay" sites that I know of is making big profits. I would never belittle artists for wanting to be paid for their work, but I do encourage artists who want to earn a living with their talents to seek a different venue; there just isn't enough money in the market to earn a living from Sims stuff.

Relying on donations alone can be very risky. My two sites (Suns Sims and The Pearl's Chateau) are currently $3,219.70 in the hole. That's $3,259.70 in expenses vs. $40.00 in donations. :lol:

To the best of my knowledge, only one big for-profit site other than Electronic Arts is making a significant amount of money from The Sims 2, and it sanctimoniously calls itself a "free" site. :laugh:

basicforsims 03-24-2008 11:26 AM

Ok - Check it out now!
Okay - so the structure has changed. Donations are no longer tied to items and I don't ask for any particular amount - just whatever anyone would want to donate if they chose to. Also - it is NOT recurring.

Do I get to be called a Free site now??? :laugh:

Greg 03-24-2008 12:37 PM

Yup, that counts! :lol:

I set it Free*, where the * indicates that the site accepts donations. (That way folks who visit the site and see the "donations" link will know that they can still dowload all the stuff. It was a question that came up frequently after the dotcom bubble burst, when Sims sites first started having to ask for donations to help pay the bills.)

While I was there, I also updated the site description. Now it reads like this:
Basic....For Sims is a free site that opened in March 2008 with a extensive collection of clothing. The site is strictly Sims 2 and there is no adult content on the site. Updates daily. Accepts donations.
If you'd like to change it, just post a note here and I'll fix it.

Amusement: While I was checking things I accidentally clicked on the link to Sims Utopia, the next site in the "newest" list. I noticed that they had moved from moonfruit to a different host, and updated that one, too! :D

I also noticed a few more bugs in some of the less frequently used pages and tuned up those bits, too. I'm sure there are dozens more to be discovered!

basicforsims 03-24-2008 07:00 PM

Thanks - the description is excellent and I appreciate all your help and guidance!


basicforsims 04-24-2008 03:22 AM

Update Again
Hello -

I finally found a host server so I wouldn't have to be a paysite OR worry about bandwidth and such - therefore my info has changed. AGAIN

My new URL is:

And my new banner is:

If you could update one last time I'd greatly appreciate it!



Greg 04-24-2008 11:37 AM

Done! :D

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