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Alasdair 02-27-2008 11:01 PM

Basement tutorial
I am looking for an easy to follow basement tutorial. I've been trying to use this one that I got from TSR "cerulean_talon_basement", but I keep running into the problem of the foundation not metting up with the wall like they show, and there being a one tile gap between the wall and foundation.

It's about to drive me up the wall. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in Advance,


Thanks, I'll go take a look over there, I keep forgeting about his site, and there tutorials are always so easy to follow.

Why is it the last place you look is always where you find it. I went looking over at MTS2 and found a tutorial that described the exact problem I was experiencing. I had been doing one of two things wrong, I was either digging my basement to deep or not deep enough and I was using the wall tool instead of the room tool. As soon as I got the floor the right depth the tutorial I had worked fine.

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