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Greg 10-28-2007 06:40 PM

What parameters do you change to make a DEFAULT body shape?
I want to change my sims' DEFAULT body shape. That is, I want all the sims that currently use the default Maxis body shape to use a different mesh.

I'm sure it starts with making a copy of a mesh that I like but then what? Which values do I need to change, and what do I change them to? :thinking:

Miros1 10-28-2007 08:10 PM

I think you start with making a copy of the default skintone, then you change the mesh reference inside it...


Hooking a skintone to a different mesh:

Greg 10-28-2007 08:44 PM

Well... that first tutorial (which I deleted because I will not allow links to criminal sites under any circumstances whatsoever) doesn't answer the question.

And... neither does the second. That's Marvine's tutorial about how to link a specific skin tone to a custom body shape. It's interesting stuff, but it doesn't answer my question.

I suspect that the answer is to make a copy of an existing MESH (not a texture) and changing its ID numbers so that it overrides the game's internal meshes. What I need to know is which numbers to change and what to change them to.

Greg 10-28-2007 09:31 PM

Hmm... I have a default body shape override installed already, from Duddly on MTS2. The filename is afbody_sims03_hiLOD.package.

Now I just need to figure out how the heck Duddly did that! :lol:

Note: Duddly's default replacement files do not contain any textures. They are only meshes.

Greg 10-28-2007 10:03 PM

For what it's worth, this is what Duddly's mesh looks like in SimPE.

It's really a pretty nice mesh, very similar to Warlokk's 34Cn34, which is the one I'm thinking of replacing it with. Duddly's work also includes default shape replacements for all the Maxian outfits that come with the first three expansion packs so the body shape is consistent.

Duddly's default replacement files are here on MTS2: Adult Female Breast Augmentation.

Miros1 10-28-2007 10:22 PM

Knew I saw this somewhere!

BlooM and a couple other people answer this exact question (specifically for the Fashion Model mesh).

Now I gotta go finish my batch of toddler clothes to put on Insim...

Greg 10-29-2007 12:37 AM

Hooray! That's it! Now I just gotta figure out what this is telling me! :lol:

Miros1 10-29-2007 01:00 AM

Well, I gotta find my old copy of Poser and buy a copy of Milkshape, so I can paste Gothplague's cool new shoes and boots onto various meshes...

Zirconia Wolf 12-07-2007 02:49 PM

Okay, I'm a little late to the party but...

I just stumbled across Dudley's meshes & was wondering if making his meshes into default ones (as per the great InSIM instructions) would be okay as I have Seasons & his meshes just go up to OFB?

The only overrides I currently have (in my Downloads folder, not set to be "real" defaults) are for the Aliens & PlantSims. Since Dudley's meshes don't cover these, I'm thinking there won't be problems, but...?????

Also, since all the .package files in my Program Files\EA Games\Sims 2 folders are Read Only, will I need to convert them back to Read/Write before trying this?

Greg 12-07-2007 04:42 PM

You might want to ask the first question over on Insim. BlooM probably knows for sure, or maybe Warlokk. :thinking:

Yes, if you want to modify the contents of a folder under Program Files, that folder will have to be Read/Write; or more precisely, the file you are modifying will need to be. Don't forget to back it up.

Zirconia Wolf 12-07-2007 05:26 PM

Yeah, I might ask over at InSim too, as BFBVFS & I don't like each other!

My motivation for asking is that I just found out how to let Elders wear YA/Adult clothing (i.e. so they use the Adult "mesh" while wearing the clothes) & thought if I did that & then changed the Elder nude mesh to be something nicer I might have Elders that didn't look half dead all the time.

Just a thought!

Think I'll head over to InSim now...

Miros1 12-07-2007 07:37 PM

All the "adult" clothes I make are set for YA/A/E use...

Zirconia Wolf 12-07-2007 11:08 PM

Just out of curiosity, when I get all my YA/Adult clothing updated for YA/Adult/Elder use, I plan on removing the Elder clothes I have downloaded (not the Maxis ones, obviously!) & want to know what would happen to an in-game Elder (like a Townie) who was wearing one of those downloaded skins?

Miros1 12-07-2007 11:13 PM

They'll probably be invisible from neck to ankle. Or the game might be smart enough to give them some ugly Maxis clothes.

You might want to contact Jordi about a hider for the ugly Maxis elder clothes...

Zirconia Wolf 12-07-2007 11:46 PM

So it would seem that the safest/easiest thing to do (for now) is just leave my downloaded Elder files alone & just not use them.

That takes care of 95% of the decrepit Elder problem: now to just find a nude skin for my senior Sims (Barbie/Ken style- I'm a wuss!) that isn't quite so saggy!

Miros1 12-08-2007 12:23 AM

Look through jwilson5's stuff on InSim and InSimAdult. I think she's got some skin sets that use the adult mesh for elders.

Greg 12-08-2007 03:36 PM

On second look, BlooM's tutorial on how to replace the default mesh doesn't look very difficult.

Basically it's:
  1. Export the mesh you want to use.
  2. Replace the reference to the mesh in the file for the default mesh.

I think all I need to know now is where ''0-bottom-default.package'' and ''0-top-default.package'' are hiding. :thinking:

Miros1 12-08-2007 04:03 PM

I'm sure that's hiding in the game's package files somewhere. Or you could steal Warlokk's default replacement top and bottom files and stuff the mesh of your choice in it.

Greg 12-08-2007 04:04 PM

Warlokk has top and bottom default replacements? Where?

Miros1 12-08-2007 04:07 PM

Yep: MESH_AFtopNaked_Hi_default.package and MESH_afBottomNaked_HiDetail_Default.package. They're in the huge Nude Bodyshape file. You did save or burn that RAR file, didn't you?

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