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Kaylyn 08-07-2007 08:43 PM

Coming soon...
Just wanted to let you guys know I'm doing some writing again. I don't think I will be finishing out the story I was working on at the Hullaballoo...that family has long since been lost in a reinstall and I got a bit burned out. I've decided that, instead of posting here, I'm going to post on a LiveJournal account I set up. I'm doing this because it seems to work pretty well with Sims stories, plus I don't have to worry about censoring my language or descriptions, or my Sims for that matter. For example, the story I've been writing out and planning is a gay romance, and rather than risk breaking the rules of this board (you never know who will get offended by what these days), I'll stick it over there with warnings as needed.

I'm also gonna use the space over there for other Sims projects, maybe my version of the Pleasantview/Strangetown/Veronaville stories, whatever I get wrapped up in at the moment.

The link is if you're interested in keeping up. (Trying to get used to my soon-to-be-last-name there...) Nothing there just now, but I'll let you know if I post anything I think is worth reading there. Comments will be welcome, but I think you'll have to be a LJ member to comment. (Basic membership is free.)

See you guys around!

Zenmistress 08-07-2007 11:27 PM

:hello: Lookin' forward to checking your stories out, Kaylyn. Although I've taken a new job where I actually have to work (blah), it really cuts down on my sims story reading time. LOL

Miros1 08-07-2007 11:56 PM


(Trying to get used to my soon-to-be-last-name there...)
Methinks someone hasn't been telling us the whole story...

Kaylyn 08-08-2007 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Miros1 (Post 3619)
Methinks someone hasn't been telling us the whole story...

Um, yeah...I'm gonna be a Mrs. in the next couple of months...gonna do the city hall thing and make it official (insurance purposes and all that), then plan out something more akin to an actual wedding probably next fall... :D

Miros1 08-08-2007 12:31 AM

Cool! Congratulations!

I just found out one of my friends from Dragon Realms met a great guy on She says he's just about perfect, but doesn't like Mexican food...

Kaylyn 08-08-2007 12:51 AM

Doesn't like Mexican food? Oh boy, that would be a deal-breaker for me. Mainly because that's my favorite thing to cook... :D

Miros1 08-08-2007 10:09 PM

She's figuring when they eat out, they can go Tex-Mex, so he can have steak, and she can make him plain chicken when she's making her fajitas.

Greg 08-08-2007 11:19 PM

It's good to see you're back in circulation, Kaylyn! :D

Zenmistress 08-08-2007 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by Greg (Post 3628)
It's good to see you're back in circulation, Kaylyn! :D

She's getting married, so actually she'll be "out of circulation"


Congratulations Kaylyn!! :dancing:

Greg 08-08-2007 11:51 PM

Oh. Right. That was an unfortunate choice of words! :lol:

So... it's good to see you posting again, Kaylyn! :D

Kaylyn 08-09-2007 01:39 PM

Thanks! I'm still trucking but with a different company, where I will be able to post more frequently, as in at least every weekend and sometimes during the week. I take my laptop with me and write, then do a bit of simming to illustrate. I finally built my very first dorm from scratch (since this will be starting off in college) and am very proud of myself. Now to catch up on the writing so I'll actually have something to POST...

Greg 08-09-2007 10:25 PM

Hooray! Dorms are fun! I find it very satisfying to see a bunch of NPC students using a dorm that I've built and having it all work. This used to be more exciting before I discovered that the NPC students are totally wasting their time. All the studying they do while on campus is zeroed out if you make them playable.

Miros1 08-09-2007 10:49 PM

I'm thinking I want to just leave them NPCs and use Syberspunk's Grow Up hack when the playable graduates and wants their significant other to live with them or get married.

Greg 08-10-2007 08:21 PM

My problem is that I like to play NPC's and have 'em do their school work and go to finals and things. But if you change them to playable, they start all over as Freshman. Don't ever let an NPC graduate; it messes 'em up forever.

Miros1 08-10-2007 10:12 PM

You mean graduate while they're NPCs? Yep it would, since the Maxis Move In when offered by an adult does weird things to a YA NPC. That's why there's GrowUp!

Greg 08-12-2007 12:19 AM

I take it that "GrowUp" is a hack that tells a sim to grow up to the next age group?

Is it different from the Insimenator's Temporal Adjustor?

shorty943 08-12-2007 03:09 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Greg (Post 3713)
My problem is that I like to play NPC's and have 'em do their school work and go to finals and things. But if you change them to playable, they start all over as Freshman. Don't ever let an NPC graduate; it messes 'em up forever.

Now he tells me.

Well, there is a graduate without college hack somewhere. I think it is still in my downloads folder. Somewhere. I might even give it a test now.

Not long ago, a cute little blond just walked into greybeards place, and would not leave. So I sent her of to Uni to grow up, now he misses her, agh.

Thank you Greg. I'll fix that now. I don't think greybeard would like a messed up cutie, no matter what age she was.

G-day Kaylyn, did I read right? You are a gear jammer?
I have a 600 HP Mack Superliner parked in my driveway right now. Sadly not mine.
My Landlord drives her. With both the "A" and "B" trailers hooked up, she measures 60 feet long and fully loaded weights 70 ton on the road, on cruise control she trundles at 63 MPH. I believe "YEE-HAR" is the correct term. Her name, Southern Comfort.
Just had a brand new turbo fitted, now runs 14 PSI boost. Doesn't baby crackle now.

See pretty picture.

Miros1 08-12-2007 03:30 AM

It's perfectly alright to let teen Townies go to Uni and graduate. It's also ok to make Dormies into playable Sims and graduate them.

What you don't want to do is make cheerleaders and llamas and cows and the like into playable Sims and graduate them. They retain the worst of their NPC annoyingness and don't gain all the appropriate perks.

Greg, I don't use Insim. It probably works about the same way, but I helped Syberspunk debug GrowUp, so I know it works perfectly. Made a whole 'hood just to GrowUp the Dormies...

shorty943 08-12-2007 03:58 AM

Para 1. Oh goody.

(Bloody caps lock key) any way you get the gist.

InSim and InTeen are big time incompatible because they do all the same things.
InSim is cloned from the medication research station, it is a physical item that must be installed in the played lot (home). Comes in 3 parts, click on each section for a different set of functions. Affects only the household sims, but, on a global scale for community lots etc.
And it works like a gem for me, whereas I just can't get InTeen to play nice when it is the ONLY hack in my game.
Even when it was the only thing in my download folder, it broke my game. And yes, I downloaded the Seasons version specifically to try it out. I've gone back to InSim.

Greg 08-12-2007 05:58 AM

Hmm... all I can say about InTeen is that the documentation on the site insists that it's 100% compatible with the Insimenator, but InTeen does seem to be giving me some grief.

I almost never spawn the Insimenator. Instead I spawn the little bits depending on what I want to do. For example, just now I spawned the Temporal Adjustor to test a procedure for fixing cheerleaders and lots of other issues with sims; had a whole household full of 'em so I got to really wring it out.

In other news: Oh... golly... my patience with links to the overdramatized misinformation spewing forth from criminal sites is growing very, very thin. I'm going to ask that everyone cease and desist from linking to that site or quoting misinformation from them, and hope to goodness we don't have to adopt a formal rule about it. If you simply cannot find the same useful information on a more reliable source, then please (a) thoroughly test the procedure first yourself and then (b) paraphrase the solution without reference to or linking to the site.

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