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pompkyn 08-29-2008 02:12 PM

Apartment Life
What do you all think of apartment life? I want to get a new expansion and can't decide. I hear we get witches with the new expansion? Is that right? Also, what aother expansions do you like?

I have:
Glamour Life stuff
H&M stuff

Greg 08-29-2008 10:53 PM

I've found something to like (and something to dislike) about every expansion pack. My game today:
  1. The Sims 2
  2. EP1: University
  3. EP2: Nightlife
  4. EP3: Open for Business
  5. SP1: Family Fun Stuff
  6. SP2: Glamour Life Stuff
  7. SP3: Happy Holiday Stuff

From what I've heard about Apartment Life, it's really just dorms for grown-ups, but I haven't confirmed that. According to rumor, you can't even pick you roommate in your apartment; but that's so silly that I have difficulty believing it.

I don't know what else comes with Apartment Life.

Miros1 08-30-2008 12:27 AM

I have

The Sims 2
Open for Business
Glamour Life

Not buying anything with SecuROM. I'm also not thrilled with Spore from what I've seen of the Creature Creator.

Hokieman 08-30-2008 01:36 AM

I have all of the EP's and SP's though IKEA stuff. Open for Business and Seasons add the things tht I really like. I could have done without Pets an I don't play Bon Voyage much.

Greg 08-30-2008 08:08 PM

I'm tempted to install Bon Voyage because of the neat stuff that comes with it, but I doubt I would be interested playing it as a game.

pompkyn 08-30-2008 08:17 PM

Bon Voyage looks cool for the stuff. AL looks cool cuz I want to play a witch...:laugh:

Greg 08-31-2008 08:11 PM

This could be interesting! The question is which witch is the Maxian witch?

pompkyn 09-03-2008 01:17 AM

I decided on Open for Business as my next expansion...but freetime, seasons and AL are definately coming soon :D thanks for the replies!

About the witches:

that is a question :angel12:


VampireSim 09-03-2008 09:09 AM

From what I have found with appartment life (I dont have it) You DO get to pick your roomie simular to the hire people from Open for Business, but you cant control them.

Also, with the witches, if you have pets, you can have a witches cat.

Again, also there are many forms of witch and they all have different robes, from white to black. There is also a witch NPC simular to the gyspy, and secret witch lots.

To stop being a witch is simular to how you would stop being as vampire or plant sim, with a potion.

I have:
Sims 2
Open for Business
Glamour Life stuff
Some Christmas stuff pack
and Bon Voage.

I'm going to get the other expansions. Seeing as my comps only just 12 months old, it should handle the secur-rom thing. I hope.

Zirconia Wolf 09-03-2008 11:00 AM

From what I'm reading in the Prima Apartment Life Guide, I will be very happy when I finally add it to my game! It is currently sitting quietly on the shelf above my PC until I deem it actually playable (official patch is out & it is well modded) but reading the Guide is still fun for me.

The things I am most happy about are (will be) :

-Murphy Beds (They have a chance of crushing Sims with poor Body Skill who are in a really bad mood. I don't know why that amuses me...)
-Witches & the whole "magic" thing (It's cool you can be Good, Evil or Neutral)
-Visible ceilings! Yippie! (I can be easy to amuse at times!)
& my personal favorite,
-The way you can change the hight of things on a wall & have more than one thing on the same wall (It's an uber improved version of what OFB started.)


Originally Posted by Vampire Sim
Seeing as my comps only just 12 months old, it should handle the secur-rom thing. I hope.

It's not really the age of the PC that's a factor as much as it is whether or not you like the idea of having what amounts to malware (& is known to completely disable ANY ability to burn CDs for many, many people) installed on your PC.

As for me, I have opted for the no-cd exe files (which are SecuRom free) & am quite happy that way.

Greg, as a brand-new Bon Voyage player, one of the coolest things about it is definitely the new Turn Ons/Offs you can choose from! It's nice that Sims can be attracted to others based on stuff like Cooking Skill & their Job Level, rather than just their body odor & hair color!


(Oh yeah, I have every EP & SP ever made. Yes, I am a lemming.)

Greg 09-03-2008 11:22 AM

It sounds like they made some great improvements to the game with Apartment Life!

It also sounds like the reports about not being able to pick up your roommates was just a hoax from people who like to spread misery. But then, based on all reliable reports, so is all the noise about SecuROM.

VampireSim, the most important thing for being able to expansions to The Sims 2 is memory--lots of RAM in your computer, and lots of memory in the graphics card.

pompkyn 09-03-2008 03:45 PM

Okay now I *really* want Bon Voyage! Gawd I hate having to choose turn offs/ons based on stench...etc...

Greg 09-04-2008 01:04 AM

Me too. Most of my sims have the same basic turn-ons, like guys being attracted to makeup and glasses because all my female sims wear makeup and most of them have at least one accessory, and the only turn-off I use is vampirism.

Zirconia Wolf 09-04-2008 01:14 AM

Just to further taunt/temp you "BV Holdouts", here's a list of the new Turn Ons/Offs it brings to the table:

(Additions to the Vampire choice)



Athletic (Body)


Hard Worker (Level 6 or above)

- MISC -


(Apartment Life adds the Witch supernatural state to the Turn ons/offs.)

A very very very cool thing about Free Time is the ability to give a Sim a Secondary Aspiration! It really helps to further flesh-out a character! (Giving a Romance Sim a secondary aspiration of Family is fun!)


(After my sister's experience, I have no interest in the version of SecuRom that Maxis is handing out period.)

Greg 09-04-2008 11:52 AM

Now that is tempting! A secondary aspiration begins to make sense (even if the wants the aspirations cause don't make any sense at all). What they should have done for a complete personality model is to apply a weighting factor to all the aspirations and then balance the sim's wants and fears with a rules-based logic engine.

After all, everybody has some level of aspirations toward wealth, popularity, family, romance, and adventure. (They completely missed important human aspirations like community service, spirituality, tribal identity, self-esteem, security, health, and personal power.) How important those things are varies from individual to individual, but all humans have all them to varying degrees.

pompkyn 09-04-2008 03:46 PM

A Romance Sim with Self-Esteem issues :thinking: .... :laugh:

ZW - I now *really* want BV. grrr! hehe

Greg 09-04-2008 04:39 PM

I think, except that Maxis has weird notions of what "romance" means, that describes all of us! :lol:

Zirconia Wolf 09-05-2008 12:25 AM

Yeah, I think they would have been smarter to do two different aspirations- one more along the lines of a real "hopeless romantic" type & one a little more "Don Lothario" like- rather than just lump it all under what is borderline predatory.

At the very least they could have come up with a "better" name than Romance!

A real Romantic Sim would be a lot of fun to play...and wouldn't be in danger of having a zillion babies all over the place!

I have to admit that the improved personality traits in Sims 3 have bumped it from the "No Way In Hades" to the "Well, Maybe" list...


Greg 09-05-2008 12:58 AM

It hasn't quite moved me to run out and buy the expansion pack, but at least I'm considering it!

I'm wondering, if I install just Bon Voyage, if I will also get other features that appeared in the intervening expansion packs such as the ability to have more than one roof slope on a lot.

Miros1 09-06-2008 03:21 AM

You're much safer installing Pets and Seasons and zipping up the strays as I explained in my handy tutorial... Oh, Riverblossom Hills sucks too. It's supposed to be a farming community, and they've got it set for 6 months of winter!

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