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VampireSim 08-14-2008 02:47 PM

The Story of Merlins Oak Valley

Welcome to a land of myths and legends, a realm of mystery and blood rites.
Merlins Oak Valley is just down the motorway of Riverblossom Hills, yet this town is almost untouched, other than one small family, farm land, and a few houses, as well as the towns namesake, Merlins Oak woods.

It is said that Merlin's imortal soul is inside an oak tree in these very woods. However all expeditions to find such a tree have never returned. This is why the neighbourhood is all but abandoned.

In another such legend, it is said that Merlin had two children, with his anchient blood divided between the two, in two separte families. However, no one has ever proven which two families contained this blood rite.

A basic look at the Valley's terrian.

That is, until Sally Oak, and Jacob Wood met and married, and formed the Oakwood Family, and little did they know what they had done in creating a family.

Aren't they cute together?

To be continued...

Miros1 08-14-2008 03:27 PM

Nice setting!

Greg 08-14-2008 05:10 PM

Oh neat! What an intriguing beginning for a story! :D

Is this the couple that has only one child and wants to have lots more?

VampireSim 08-15-2008 08:03 PM

At the moment, if I jump into the story they have one baby, a son called Adam. They both want more kids so I will have to get some will power in there. I may not post for a few days after tomorrow, as I am going on a short hoilday. I'll post Chapter One tomorrow, and fit in some game play.

Glad your enjoying it so far!

VampireSim 08-16-2008 10:31 AM

Chapter One
Chapter One: Meet the Oakwood's

Sally and Jacob Oakwood have known each other for most of their lives. They were born in Merlins Oak Valley, but when they both moved to college for 3 years, everything in the Valley changed.

All the families left, and moved to Riverblossom Hills. Their parents (they were the only children in their families) had died before they got back from college. Except for some abandoned farmland, and serveral crumbling houses, it was like a ghost town.

When they got married, they moved into the only inhabitable home left in the Valley, which just so happened to be Sally's childhood home, on 15 Wood Way.

Isnt it Big? 15 Wood Way

Once they had settled into their new home, they didnt waste anytime in getting re-aquantied with each other.

We should do this more often!

Soon they discovered that Sally was pregnant.

Nothing quite like making flowers whilst pregnant!

However, as Jacob got a job in the city in a music store, and Sally stayed at home caring for herself and her unborn child, she did wonder why nobody else lived in the Valley, and why everything seemed so quiet...

Sorry about the size of some of the images, if I find bigger ones I'll change them.

Greg 08-16-2008 12:30 PM

So they're on their way and already starting their own business! :D

It looks like you uploaded the thumbnails instead of the snapshots. :thinking:

VampireSim 08-16-2008 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Greg (Post 9938)
So they're on their way and already starting their own business! :D

It looks like you uploaded the thumbnails instead of the snapshots. :thinking:

Opps...Ive fixed it now. Yep, the flowers are a business item, but Sally had the want to get talent bagdes for it, so I induled her wants. I could at least see when she ballooned with it tehe.

VampireSim 08-16-2008 01:07 PM

Chapter Two
Chapter two: A new arival!

It wasnt too long before Sally and Jacob had someone else to look after.

He had his mother's eyes.

Adam, the first son of Sally and Jacob. They didnt know at the time, but Adam really was something special.

In the birth, Jacob showed his arobic skills.

"Isn't he the cutest Jacob?"
"As long as I dont have to do the diapers, he's an angel!"

Later that night, as child and parents slept, an unusal wind swept across the valley. He knew that there was a new decendant, and He would not stop until He had Adam in his grasp.

I may do chapter three tonight, it depends on which town I play with.

VampireSim 08-16-2008 03:14 PM

Chapter Three
Chapter 3: New faces, and a Birthday

Adam's Birthday came quicker than they could of hoped.

Flying Babies!

"He certainly has my hair, thats for sure."

"True. You should spend more time with us, Jacob. You always seem to be playing in the basement. Its not healthy down there. Your not even in the music store anymore, since they fired you."

" That wasnt my fault, they were closing down. Anyway, I got a better job, in pollitics! Pays better, and they gave me 3 promotions this week alone!"

"I'm not arguing with you Jac, I just think about how much time I spend with you, and its changed, hasn't it?"

" Nothings changed, silly. I love you, I love Adam! Put him to bed and meet me in our room."

After their Long chat, he went to work, and Sally Went to teach Adam the basic skills, and get to know him even more, when she discovered...


Meanwhile, on the other side of the Valley, a new person was moving in, but to a house that had been abandoned for over 100 years. It was called The Grove. Nothing grew in its vast gardens. Nobody had gone there. Legend said the house was the home of an evil sorceress, an enemy of the people.

The Grove

Who is He?

Greg 08-17-2008 01:37 AM

Ohhh... here's the fun part where it gets all spooky and everything! :D

Crystal 08-17-2008 07:28 PM

Yay!!! Another story!!! :D

I like this Vampiresim!! :blob7:

VampireSim 08-20-2008 12:14 PM

Glad your enjoying it. I'm back now from Wales, so I'll write a chapter soon!

VampireSim 08-20-2008 05:25 PM

Chapter Four
Chapter 4: Mystery Revealled.

As He surveyed the family home, Matt cackled. He had heard all the crazy legends of the house, and thought little of the people who said them.


Let them think what they want about the house, He thought. At least it keeps them away from me and what I am doing.

As He was painting, Matt heard his doorbell ring. As He walked slowly towards the door, He saw the one of his biggest problems.

Sally comes to visit.

A very heavily pregnant Sally Oakwood smiled at Matt as he opened the door.

"Hello! You must be the lad who I heard had moved in. I'm Sally Oakwood!"

"Hello," He answered, " My name is Matt. Yeh, I'm new. So, where do you live?"

"On the other side of Avalon River. My husband would of come too, but someone needed to look after Adam, my son. Its a pleasure to meet You!"

" And you. Are you from here? I moved from Riverblossom Hills...But thats not important."

" Yes, when Jacob and I left for college, this place changed. I hope you find happeness here. I must be going now, as Jacob will have to go to work soon. Bye, Matt!"

Before He could say another word, she was gone.

"So, that was the Oakwood. My information is misguided. I was told she only had one brat. Oh well, more fun for me. If only She was here..."


Who is She? And what is Matt's last name? Find out soon!

Greg 08-21-2008 02:24 AM

Ah, the plot thickens! :D

Hey, that's a pretty fancy front yard ol' Matt has there!

VampireSim 08-21-2008 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Greg (Post 10070)
Ah, the plot thickens! :D

Hey, that's a pretty fancy front yard ol' Matt has there!

Well, Matt has always had a taste for the finer things in life. He's very smart, and made His millions of simoleans in a Science report 'How to be mystrerious: an in depth study of the art of hiding in shadows ' and ' How to get babes quick, even if your a nerd'.

Plus, most of the garden stuff was already there, but empty and in need of some TLC.

Greg 08-21-2008 11:49 AM


Matt does have a lot of talent! :D

VampireSim 08-23-2008 03:42 PM

Yep, Matt has many great talents. Shame that they dont work for Him as much as he wants, otherwise He would remind me of a certain Guilty Party in his teens from your lovely Happy Valley...

VampireSim 08-23-2008 04:47 PM

Chapter Five
Chapter 5: BIG Events

Back at the Oakwood Household, everything was normal. Sally didn't hear anything about that new lad over the Avalon River, and life was peaceful. That is, until Jacob lost his job by mis-reading a paper.

So sad when you realise you've lost out...AGAIN.

Although Sally didn't blame Jacob for losing yet another job, he felt miserable. He didn't want to stay in the house all day, like her and Adam. He went and found another job, this time in the Riverblossom Halls of Law.

I hope I keep this job, he thought.If I don't, Sally wont be best pleased with me.

All too soon, it was time for a certian someones birthday.

Adam! Dont eat the candles!

It seems like Adam will be quite the looker...

Once he has some deccent hair, anyways.

Sally was left all alone in the house, but (un) fortunatly her baby had other ideas...

VampireSim 08-23-2008 04:59 PM

Chapter Six
Chapter 6: More, I say. More!

When Sally went out to pay the bills, she suddenly realised that, all alone, her baby was coming! In the middle of winter!

In my Pjs too!

In a couple of seconds, her second child and first Daughter came into the world.

Cassandra Oakwood and Sally.
She has her Fathers hair...and his eyes!

But if you think it was just one...Then think again!

Bella Oakwood on the floor.*

Twins! One who could look exsactly like Jacob! And both girls!

"Haha, I am no longer outnumbered, am I, girls?"

Little did Sally know that He had watched this, and was even more Livid than before.

'I need to do it sooner rather than later...With 2 babies to look after they wont be as active as they were....' He thought.


*I made a mistake taking the photos. Bella was first, but then Cassandra came, so Sally put Bella on the floor. Mad mothering skills.

Greg 08-24-2008 01:58 AM

Oh! Someone is watching who either doesn't want babies around or doesn't like girls!

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