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Greg 01-03-2015 02:03 PM

Have an idea and wondering if it will work
I noticed that one of my old houses posted here says it still has all the game hacks installed. I've burned out two computers since the last time I even started up The Sims 2, and now when I consider installing the game on his machine, I don't because the game just isn't playable without the hacks.

So, what I'm wondering is if I download and install one of those old houses, if the hacks will all install with it. That assumes, of course, that (1) the house download file is still there, and (2) I remember how the heck you install houses in this game.

I think it's been six years since I played The Sims 2, but once in a while, I miss my li'l simmies. I haven't been able to access my old hard drives, so I don't know how much of the old neighborhoods would even be available at this point. It might be frustrating to start out with a blank neighborhood again, assuming that I can even learn out to do it. But it just might be worth a try!

Miros1 01-09-2015 07:26 PM

:lol: I think I finally killed the machine with Sims 1 on it!

Yes, your old houses should bring all your favorite hacks with them, as well as the residents. Install Clean Installer from MTS. Then you just download the house, unzip it, and double click the resulting .sims2pack file. When Clean Installer fires up, uncheck any custom content you don't want and any Sims that don't live there.

I may have copies of any hacks that aren't currently available. I even wrote a dorky little hack called Comfy Coffins which will give vampires more comfort and energy when they sleep in their coffins!

There's also a fairly large hack list on my site:

Don't forget to read the No More Ugly Maxis-Made Sims and other tutorials. Lemme get you the link to an awesome set of face templates that don't overwrite the Maxis ones, so you don't have to pick and choose as much....

Miros1 01-09-2015 07:42 PM

Well, this page needs a little updating, but will get you started!

Don't forget when you get to BV or higher, you'll need noCD hacks so you don't get SecuRommed!

Make sure you get Argon's Random Downtownie hack, and and and... oh, just read the recommended downloads pages on my site!

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