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Zirconia Wolf 12-10-2007 10:33 PM

SimPE "Property Set" Query
As I continue forth with "Project Elder Makeover" (where I will be making all YA+ clothes available for YA+Adults+Elders) I am also making my own version of Fanseelamb's (MTS2) Clothing Catalog Edit files, & so am getting quite well acquainted with SimPE's various features. (I know, I know: it's about friggen time!)

However I do have one (for now!) question: As I am looking through the Property Set files (of the TSData\Res\Catalog\skins.package) I am curious to know what the difference is between the "normal" files (i.e. afblahblahblah) & the ones that start with the prefix CASSIE (i.e. CASSIEafblahblahblah)?

(Are they Create-A-Sim things or...? )

Miros1 12-10-2007 11:41 PM

OMG. While looking for an answer to your problem, I found this!

Basically, you can set an outfit to only "fit" one skintone! This means I could set my Warlokk conversions so only Angelita and Lucia could wear them!

< dances around the room to the confusion of the mother and the husband >

No, I didn't find the answer to your problem yet...

Nope, still haven't found anything... will keep looking off and on. Poke me once in a while...

Greg 12-11-2007 03:37 AM

That's pretty cool! If you change an outfit to fit only one skin tone, does that mean that it won't show up in the catalog if a sim with a different skin tone is looking?

Miros1 12-11-2007 04:00 AM

It definitely wouldn't show up in the wardrobe. Not sure about "shopping"... will need to set the clothes I made for Angelita and Lucia to their skintone and try shopping both with them and with another Sim.

Zirconia Wolf 12-11-2007 10:39 AM

Oh wow: that is an intriguing thing!

Would also be useful for certain color combinations that don't look good on certain skin tones.

Miros1 12-12-2007 07:13 PM

While poking around making Angelita and Lucia's custom clothes fit only them, I saw the af vs. CASIE stuff. I suspect it's just a matter of who made the mesh and the naming convention they're most familiar with. I.e. apparently Warlokk uses the af prefix, TMO uses CASIE.

Miros1 12-12-2007 09:45 PM

This works great! The clothes I made for Angelita and Lucia only show up for Sims with their skintone in both CAS and the ingame wardrobe. Haven't tried going to a store to buy more yet.

Hokieman 03-08-2008 04:30 AM

Miros, the implications of this are intriguing. What I'm thinking is it possible to set an outfit to a family of skin tones rather than just the one? Said another way, like being able to set clothing so all skintones for a bodytype (like pinup) see it but other bodyshapes don't. I would love to be able to pick a bodyshape in CAS and then only see only the clothes that work with it rather than all of them. I use the collections in CAS and where my problems come in are in buy mode. It is pretty hard sometimes to pick the right clothes the 1st time since I have a lot of stuff that is duplicated for a number of bodyshapes. To be honest, I don't really understand the internal workings so some of it is pretty greek to me. How far were you able to push this?

Miros1 03-08-2008 04:59 AM

Yes, there's a "family" tag in the Property Set. No, I haven't tried setting it.

Can you imagine the nightmare if it works, and everyone has to set the family values and re-release everything?

Hokieman 03-08-2008 03:56 PM

I hadn't thought of it that way though, from the perspective of the creators. Yep, It would drive people nuts for sure. Thinking about it, it might not be too bad for the recolors though once it's done for an "original". I suspect it would carry over from one to the next on a straight recolor as that code should be in the part tying it to the mesh, not the bmps.

Miros1 03-08-2008 07:26 PM

Or I could write a nice utility that would set the family for your skintones and clothing...

Greg 03-08-2008 07:32 PM

I'm wondering if it would be useful to set outfits to match only the body shapes that they go with so that a character with, say, a Class Pinup body shape wouldn't have to wade through a stack of supermodel clothes every time she looks in her closet.

Hokieman 03-08-2008 11:14 PM

Miros, that would be great and much appreciated! All hail the Goddess!!:imnotworthy-1:

That's what I was thinking Greg. Since I always start new sims in Uni, I use use Insim to zap them back to a teen and then move them to the Unihood followed by having to select new clothes for their bodyshape. What I end up with is every time I go to plan a new outfit at wardrobe I have to wade through tons of clothes that aren't for that particular bodyshape. Of course, I could make it easier by just emptying the dorm every now and then and letting it reset then, using the Insim pile of clothes thingie to buy new clothes, but I tend to just keep putting in a new sim as soon as one graduates to keep the NPCs out. It's the same problem tho, I still end up with the wrong clothes half the time since I duplicate so may things for the various bodyshapes.

Miros1 03-09-2008 04:29 AM

This is why I only have 2 Bodyshape Sims (34Cnat36) in heavy play who share one skintone and all the clothes I made for them are "keyed" to that one skintone.

Hokieman 03-09-2008 07:00 AM

There is something to be said for simply staying with a minimum of shapes. I didn't have anything but the default in game until last year. I finally broke down and started putting a few in when I started a new game after a hardware failure pretty well screwed up my old game. Now, I have about half of Warlokk's shapes and Beo/Marvine's HBB and SBB in game. At one time or another I've had all of them in but the downloads got so hard to manage that I took a bunch out.

Greg 03-09-2008 06:19 PM

I go to the other extreme. I have almost all of Warlokk's body shapes installed, along with several variations on many of the skin tones for each. I like lots of variety among my characters. :D

The drawback that I see is that if a clothing item is keyed to skin tone rather than to the body mesh, then a 34dn34 Tanned Light gal wouldn't see the same clothes as a 34Dn34 Becca gal even though they would both fit perfectly.

Miros1 03-09-2008 11:14 PM

Exactly the problem, if you set the skintone code. That's why I want to see if I can give several 34dn34 skintones the same "family" code (currently all zeros) and set the "family" code in the clothing to the same code, and have it work correctly. Separates will still be a problem, but this might sort out the snarl of full body stuff.

Hokieman 03-09-2008 11:43 PM

'twill be interesting to see how this comes out. Thanks for working on this Miros.:)

Greg 03-10-2008 01:27 AM

Oho! Yeah, that would solve it, Rose!

I was thinking that maybe the same logic that was used to identify the skin tone could instead just look for the nude body mesh; but that "family" setting seems to provide exactly the tool you need to do that.

If you don't set the "family" for an outfit, does that mean anyone can wear it?

Miros1 03-10-2008 06:10 AM

Yep, "all zeros" are available for anyone to buy or wear.

From my experience with the Angelita and Lucia skintone, only Angelita and Lucia can be created wearing those outfits or buy them or get them from the wardrobe for their skintone. Their "Maxis light" roommate could not see them in CAS, the community lot I sent her shopping at, or in the wardrobe after Lucia went shopping.

The guys at the Complete Mafia board picked the size of Angelita's new implants, so I need to make her a new skin...

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