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Zirconia Wolf 07-12-2007 01:51 AM

Retriving Wayward Tombstones/Urns?
Just thought I would ask if there is a way to "retrive" a tombstone/urn that was accidently left behind when the sole surving occupant was moved out via a suprise purposal & marriage, without having to have someone move back into said house? (Was hoping for a cheat or something quicker! )

Greg 07-12-2007 05:35 AM

I've done that same thing; haven't yet found a way to get that tombstone moved to a cemetery.

Miros1 07-12-2007 09:15 AM

I suspect you'll have to create a Sim, cheat him enough money to move in (familyfunds), move the tombstone, then drop a satellite on him.

Zirconia Wolf 07-12-2007 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Miros1 (Post 2758)
I suspect you'll have to create a Sim, cheat him enough money to move in (familyfunds), move the tombstone, then drop a satellite on him.

:rofl: Yeah, I was afraid it was that kind of solution. I like the satellite idea though...

To be honest, I've never actually used the "familyfunds" cheat. I've always relied on kaching, motherlode & the Budget Adjuster section of InSIM, all of which (obviously) require the Sim(s) in question to be already on a lot. Do I need to "select" the binned Sim/Family before I enter the "familyfunds" cheat, or do I just enter the surname with the cheat?

Miros1 07-12-2007 07:37 PM

Three forms:
set funds to amount: familyfunds lastname amount
add funds: familyfunds lastname +amount
lose funds: familyfunds lastname -amount

mikedelaney16 07-13-2007 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Miros1 (Post 2758)
I suspect you'll have to create a Sim, cheat him enough money to move in (familyfunds), move the tombstone, then drop a satellite on him.

Doesn't that leave another tombstone on the lot?

Can't you just move him back out to the sim bin and delete him?

And what's the likelihood of death by satellite in reality? Personally I prefer to have them shoot themselves or take some poison or something more realistic like that. I believe I saw a suicide knife hack somewhere too but I didn't download it as it allows for autonomous suicide if motives and aspirations are low enough.


Zirconia Wolf 07-13-2007 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by mikedelaney16
Doesn't that leave another tombstone on the lot?

Sure, but- in therory- the second guy is totally expendable/forgetable. He was just on a mission of mercey for the first guy. The "unknown hero" as it were. (Adds a touch of *sniff* drama to the whole thing. )


Originally Posted by mikedelaney16
And what's the likelihood of death by satellite in reality?

Okay, so it's not to likey...but in defense of Maxis this is a computer game & computer games are suposed to be fun, aren't they? I mean who the heck would want to play this crazy game if it was exactly as lame & boaring as "Real Life"?

Er...after looking at some of the "mods" out there, I take that back. It seems an awfull lot of people are obsessed with inflicting "reality" into their games. Personally, I was never overjoyed/obssesed with things like rampant Teenage trysting, menstraul cycles & incest (etc) in RL so I see no need for that kind of "reality" in what I consider to be a thing I do for fun!

To each their own...

Miros1 07-13-2007 08:01 PM

Well, I do have two cousins who are currently engaged in Uni who will get married when they move home... but that was my choice as a one time thing, not something I want happening all the time.

Of course, when Legacy Generation 4 shows up, it can, lol!

mikedelaney16 07-13-2007 08:39 PM

Legacy Generation 4 ??


Miros1 07-13-2007 09:20 PM

Legacy 'hoods are where you start with one Sim (I've found that Uni students are best; they can always marry a professor or a dormie if you can't find anyone more suitable), get married, have kids, grow them up to YA-hood, send them through Uni... then one of them inherits the house and repeats the process while the parents become elders and die of happy old age and get plat tombstones.

I believe that, technically, you're supposed to name each generation with the same letter of the alphabet (first generation A, second B, third C, etc.) and also marry them to a Townie or NPC whose name also starts with that letter. I'm not doing the second part of that because I'd rather have attraction lightning bolts than a name that starts with a certain letter. The first "D" is about to be born in my latest attempt at this!

I think you can also "keep score," but I'm also not bothering with that.

I'm currently also playing the "cadet lines" just in case something happens to the main line.

mikedelaney16 07-13-2007 10:30 PM


Yes college would probably be best, otherwise your sim would have some serious problems for lack of a social life.

That would be a good reason not to use the delete all sims with nodormieregen hack. I can see how twojeffs visitor controller could be very useful in that kind of game.

What happens if your sim has a baby with the mascot, does the baby turn out normal or does it come with a cow head?

What's a "cadet line" ?


Zirconia Wolf 07-13-2007 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Miros1 (Post 2792)
Well, I do have two cousins who are currently engaged in Uni who will get married when they move home...

Hmmmm. Should be intersting to see what kind of kids they produce! (Actually, the "incest" I was talking about is Father/Daughter Mother/Son Grandparent/Grandchild...that kind of thing. :zipped: )

I should also point out that I'm a huge fan of InTEEN (which allows actual College/YA famlies- the main reason I got it) & can't say that I haven't planned out the occasional "Teenage Oopsie"...but like you said it was a planned thing, not something a Sim did on their own! (I'm something of a controll freak regarding Sims & there actions in my game! )

Actually, InTEEN does have "risky woohoo" options (pregnancy can happen without actively trying for a baby, unless you install the No Fail Birth Controll pack) but there again, whether or not you use them is left up to you.

Greg 07-13-2007 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by mikedelaney16 (Post 2799)
...What happens if your sim has a baby with the mascot, does the baby turn out normal or does it come with a cow head?

The mascot's head is just a costume. A hair style, actually. They have real faces underneath.


Zirconia Wolf 07-14-2007 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by Miros1
I'd like YA pregnancies, especially ones that start in the last semester of school and end after the Sim moves back to town, but I don't want to have to watch my teens like hawks!

Actually InTEEN doesn't add "autonomous" woohoo (teen or otherwise) to the game at all. In fact without a seprate mod, teens don't even have a "woohoo" want! (Which is fine by me, as 99.9% of the time I don't bother with "teens & woohoo" at all) All it does is enable the interactions if you want them, & of coarse it adds the "Biological Clock" object (one for each Sim of "child bearing" age) that you can spawn & turn on things like Birth Controll or Fertillity Treatments.

Of coarse, I'm not using it with ACR. I would probebly go nuts if I had that & InTEEN!

I just enjoy the options for College pregnancy & the ability to raise children (they even go to school! ) on Residential Lots in College Towns. (I keep hoping for a "stand alone" mod that just enables the YA stuff, but so far there just isn't one. )

Yikes, don't get me wrong about my "incest" wants! Cousin/Cousin I can see but the rest of it makes my skin crawl! Yuck!

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