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Greg 07-21-2007 09:00 PM

I split this conversation off from the thread about the file-listed utility at Inteenimator because it turned out to be only somewhat related to Inteen. This is the tale of my adventures in trying to rescue sims who were pregnant when I installed Nightlife and Open For Business. InTeen might still be the culprit, but I did find solutions to the problem.

Well, I think I've found another oddity (or but) with InTeen. I have pregnant college student ready to give birth. The game gets to the point where it displays the pop-up menu about "There's a new baby on the way!" and then crashes back to the desktop. It has happened twice in a row, so I assume it's consistent.

Anybody got a clue about that one?

It's crashing at the point where the game would be creating a new sim on campus. Before installing InTeen, my sims had lots of babies on campus, so it's probably a bug introduced by InTeen.

Greg 07-21-2007 09:17 PM

Try #3: I removed the ResidentialGraduates flavor pack. Result: Crash.

Greg 07-21-2007 09:44 PM

Try #4: I removed the NoAgeOfConsent and NoMiscarriages flavor packs. Result: Crash.

Greg 07-21-2007 11:01 PM

Try #5: Completely removed InTeen. Unfortunately, the pregnant sim showed up with no body at all, so I exited the game without saving.

Now I'm thinking I should have let it run anyway to see if she would have the baby. She probably didn't have a body because she was wearing clothes that came with InTeen.

mikedelaney16 07-22-2007 12:02 AM

Which version of Inteen Greg?

Are you sure you didn't install the Pets or Seasons version?

Zirconia Wolf 07-22-2007 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by shorty943 (Post 2877)
Ooh, Inteen scary.
I went with a clean install for Seasons to try out Inteen for that EP.
Inteen was the ONLY mod in the game, No other custom content at all in the game, and it managed to find a conflict with in itself and crash my clean game on startup.

That's very strange. Not to be a busy-body or anything but did you check to see if you had the correct version of InTeen & that the download wasn't corrupted? (I've never added hacks/mods untill I booted up my game once. That way my clean install was alowed to install completely clean.)

InTeen will read as "conflicted" with it's various Flavor Packs, but that's by design. If they didn't "conflict" they wouldn't over-ride the behavior you wanted them to!


Originally Posted by shorty943 (Post 2877)
Always used the InSiminator myself.

I have used both for a looooong time now & never had any problems.


Originally Posted by shorty943 (Post 2877)
Inteen seems to need some very careful planning to get working right. The right load order, and then some hacks must be loaded after Inteen, and some will just plain crash it.
Nasty thing, now banned from my game.

Load order actually effects alot more hacks than just InTeen I have discovered. In my game, the only downloads not in sub-folders are InTeen, it's Flavor packs & 1 or 2 things that I know (from expiriance & read-me files) need to be in there. Everthing else is in carefully labled (again, to effect "load order") folders & I have had no problems with my (very modded) game at all.

I'm sorry your InTeen expirance was a problem, but it's been fun & problem free for me. They only hacks banned from my game are things that refuse to work with InTeen!

Oh well, that's why there are so many mods out there: so we can all design the game we want that works for us!

Greg 07-22-2007 02:33 AM

Hmm... I can try downloading it again and make sure I get the right version.

Greg 07-22-2007 04:57 AM

Oops. No luck. I checked the readme file that was embedded in the zip; it says it's the OFB+FFS edition, so I know I got the right file.

Try #6: I thought I'd try letting the game run, with InTeen not installed, even though the sim didn't have a body. Unfortuantely, with InTeen completely uninstalled, I got errors in the Pregnancy Controller--bad gosub number. Dang it.

Try #7: Reinstall InTeen, with the thought that I could bring the pregnant sim into a normal household and let her have her baby there. Then I'd have to run the parents through college and move them into the same household so they can be with their baby.

Unfortunately my game crashed again before I could complete #7.

Greg 07-22-2007 05:38 AM

Try #8: I tried letting her have her baby while visiting Lucy Hanby in town. (Lucy has been to college and graduated.) Result: Crash.

Now I need to see any some other sim can have a baby. It might just be that one sim.

Greg 07-22-2007 06:19 AM

Try #9: Same Neighborhood. Different sim in the regular neighborhood tried to have a baby. Crash.

Greg 07-22-2007 07:02 AM

Try #10: Rebooted the machine, just in case. InTeen installed. Normal sim in the main neighborhood. Result: Crash.

So... something has gone awry with my game. Yesterday, a different sim had a baby in that same neighborhood. Whatever is going on happened overnight. Darn.

Miros1 07-22-2007 08:55 AM

Greg, I think you're just cursed.

Or maybe God is killing all the kittens in your 'hood.

I hope you have a backup.

mikedelaney16 07-22-2007 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Greg (Post 3017)
So... something has gone awry with my game. Yesterday, a different sim had a baby in that same neighborhood. Whatever is going on happened overnight. Darn.

What did you install or remove in the interim?

Greg 07-22-2007 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by mikedelaney16 (Post 3020)
What did you install or remove in the interim?

The only odd thing I did in the interim was to move a bunch of tombstones to a public lot.

This was a neighborhood I had not played in over a year, so all the babies were conceived before I installed Nightlife and OFB; however, that has not been a problem until I encountered the problem with the college student.

For my next experiment, I'll see if I can find a woman in a different neighborhood who has been sitting there pregnant all that time.

Greg 07-22-2007 04:28 PM

Aha! For try #11, I left Inteenimator installed and created a new family in a neighborhood created after installing Nightlife and Open For Business. Made 'em married and moved 'em in. Got 'em jobs a the local science lab. Got her pregnant in the usual way. Played for three days.


Randolf and Martie Estwich with their daughter Maddie

Conclusion: There is something rotten in Xanadu.

That is, there is something unique to my N008 Xanadu, where the game-crashing problem occurs. It might be a compatibility problem between Inteenimator and babies conceived before installing all these things, but I have a few other things to look at before I can say that for sure.

That was the neigborhood where I was trying to beat Rose's record for having a sim father the most number of babies. I just might have found the limit. Stay tuned!

Zirconia Wolf 07-22-2007 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Greg
That was the neigborhood where I was trying to beat Rose's record for having a sim father the most number of babies. I just might have found the limit. Stay tuned!

Okay, I have to know: what was Rose's record???

(Oh, the games we Sim-addicts come up with!)

Miros1 07-22-2007 04:50 PM

My record? And what alternate reality did that happen in?

I always assumed Gregsim was the world champion record holder in that department, so I never challenged it.

Greg 07-22-2007 06:43 PM

Somewhere in the Hullabaloo, there's a thread from about 18 months ago where you mentioned your world champion daddy sim. I don't remember what the exact number was but his production of progeny made ol' Gregsim look like a virgin. I don't remember the number but I think it might have been more than 100.

Since I already had Xanadu with only two lots and a bunch of doubles of the main characters, I started using it to see if Gregsim could match Whathisname's record. I added a rule to the challenge: He has to maintain a best-friends relationship with ALL his offspring.

I just checked up on N008 Gregsim in SimPE, and I think I might have sussed the problem: He has memories that go all the way back to Baumdbout! He even remembers being potty-trained! Then there was his iniquitious career as a teenager. The memories went on for pages and pages, with at least half a dozen memories of every sim he ever met, ever child who got an A+ or grew up well, and on and on.

So, I cleaned out his memories, retaining only the highest level memory of sims he'd met. Considering his iniquitous hobby, he still has more purple hearts than a battalion of marines, but at least he doesn't remember meeting every trivial townie in a different universe!

Now to test it.

Greg 07-22-2007 08:23 PM

Rats! For try #12, I went back to Xanadu to see if an already-pregnant woman in the normal neighborhood could have a baby.
Result: Crash.

My next theory is that 43 is the limit. I'll try hunting down all those kids and making someone else their father.

Miros1 07-22-2007 09:09 PM

Um, might have been Nihale... I don't think my Sims have had 100 kids total, much less with one father!

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