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shorty943 07-25-2007 12:13 AM

Up-comming web presence
You saw it first here.

A new web presence in the "" domain. Not ready yet, give me a couple more weeks to make sense of the legal mumbo stuff. To do with, they want money.
And to make sense of this new Visual Studio stuff, to cobble up a working web site.
Set up the secured server, LAMP probably.

More news to follow as it comes to hand.

Greg 07-25-2007 12:30 AM

Neat! I shall stay tuned to this channel.

shorty943 07-26-2007 09:25 AM

So far, so good. Dynamic hosting by my ISP, pointed to my LAMP server, domain registration is less than A$20 per year, good for pensioner.

Have placed a small deposit, on a refurbished 1.8 Ghz P4. Add my RAID set with 4x40Gb disks, and another network card. Install Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.
Total cost for a small server, less than A$400. Not too bad.

Now the tricky bit. I have already learned to dislike Visual Studio.
It can only play with Microsoft IIS. Bugger. I want Linux security, not Mosquito networking.

If I seem jumbled from time to time. It must be the code. Just has to be a simple WYSIWYG web site builder that doesn't rely on MS.
Coffecup full of java.
I'll get it sorted. Just need the right software hammer.
Time to hit sourceforge again.

Miros1 07-26-2007 11:09 AM

Lemme dig through the software in the attic... I had a really good HTML editor that wasn't too expensive...

Yes, most packages suck. They take every new optional trick and make it manditory, so that when you try to turn them off, they leave pieces of crap in your files. Someone needs to explain the difference between tools and crutches!

shorty943 07-26-2007 11:27 AM

Let's see.

Coffee cup. Um, spilled it.

Nvu. Not Very Useful.

Visual stupid thing. Make shorty want Kill Bill.

My problem is I appear to be code dyslexic. Even the instructions appear to be in some geek code to me, but not old plain English like she used to be spoken.
Oh God. Do I actually have to "cultivate a relationship", with a young entity?
Coerce and pummel a crafted web site from some one? Learn to speak geek?

Shorty sighs, head for the kitchen to refill the coffee cup.
Turn the page, read.

Miros1 07-26-2007 12:43 PM

Shorty, if you're not too attached to the idea of Wysiwyg, check out HTMLGoodies ( It's easy to read and mentally digest as you go. I do recommend creating an "exercise" for yourself to practice what you've learned.

I learned JavaScript from this site and still refer to it when I need a reference for either JS or HTML.

shorty943 07-26-2007 02:23 PM

Duely bookmarked. Thank you Lady M.

In my net traversal, I came across a free software called Personal Web Kit.
By George, it's working. I read the plain English instructions, edit as explained, and viola, there squats me an edited web page.... Sort of.
It's late o'clock, and I've finished lesson 1. (Yes, alright John Boy, goodnight)

I do tend to go for the deep end.
I haven't even got "Hello World" written in basic yet, but I want dotnet2, dynamic web content, the bells, the whistles and a shooting gallery. Webmin, CMS, I can spell em all.
The readin, an the writin? We're getting there.

mikedelaney16 07-26-2007 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by shorty943 (Post 3134)
Set up the secured server, LAMP probably.



Originally Posted by shorty943 (Post 3224)
Coffee cup. Um, spilled it.

Nvu. Not Very Useful.

Visual stupid thing. Make shorty want Kill Bill.

Never tried Coffee cup.

Can't stand Nvu, it's worse than "Not Very Useful", it's garbage.

Visual stupid thing, I looked, I failed to comprehend, I ran away screaming.

I do like Dreamweaver, but that's not free and I'm not sure if it's Wine compatible as I've never tried to run it on a Linux box. Earlier versions might be. Unfortunately it's now owned by Adobe so we can expect it to be killed off sometime soon.


Greg 07-26-2007 07:20 PM

Hmmm... if you have PHP and MySQL, then there are probably lots of really nifty webbish toys out there. My experience with Unix is based on just using it on the server, and having a Windows box as my user interface to it, so I'm not much help in Unix-based authoring applications.

In fact, I have zero experience with any kind of WYSIWYG web authoring app.

mikedelaney16 07-26-2007 07:40 PM

Joomla and Mambo are pretty good, and there are lots of instructions for modifying and creating templates.

You can try out demos of most Content Management packages at OpensourceCMS

In my experience all major Linux distributions come with apache for http and https, PHP, MySQL and PostgreSQL along with ftp and email servers and everything else you would need for a basic website. Webmin (free) is handy for managing it all.

Greg 07-26-2007 08:28 PM

I think the big question is: What are you planning to put on your site, Shorty? :D

Zirconia Wolf 07-26-2007 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Greg
I think the big question is: What are you planning to put on your site, Shorty? :D

Details schmetails!!

You gotta have all the bells & whistles firmly in place before you start thinking about that stuff!

(ZW slinks back to her own web-site design studies...)

shorty943 07-29-2007 09:22 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Zirconia Wolf (Post 3268)
Details schmetails!!

You gotta have all the bells & whistles firmly in place before you start thinking about that stuff!

(ZW slinks back to her own web-site design studies...)

Yeah, like ZW said. Ya just gotta have bells'n'whistles.

As for why?
Um, to see if I can? A little tech exercise for the old grey matter?
Set up a virtual server, and a bunch of virtual appliances to serve content.
Probably use a Xen virtual environment. Then fool with Django as a development environment. So far, from the massive downloads of documentation on it, it looks to be quite straight forward, for a web design environment. But, there is always VMWare to fall back on.

And what?
Some 40 years of, at times crazy, life, photo's of things people just never see in ordinary life. Stories to tell. Find a way to incorporate a guest book and lounge for chats. Excerpts from the "Green and Gold Cook Book".
Worldly advice to intrepid travellers. Who knows?
Why not? Makes more sense than some dill kid blurting on youtube.

Any way, the machine is still 4 to 6 weeks away yet, so I have plenty of time to worry away at web site design and such. But, in the last day or so it is slowly coming along, with PWK. It is template based, click and fool with things. Not exactly, WYSIWYG, or drag and drop, but it seems to be working for me, and the testing as you go, shows fine in Firefox\Seamonkey\IE.

Had a setback Saturday. Landlord got in about 1 o'clock Friday afternoon. Yelled out "Shorty, come help me drink Bourbon". Not well yesterday.:laugh:

By the way, here is home for me, thank's Google Earth.

mikedelaney16 07-29-2007 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by shorty943 (Post 3372)
But, there is always VMWare to fall back on.

VMWare rocks!

Miros1 07-29-2007 03:58 PM

Lol, you can almost see your orphan calf in that picture. Is that her out under the tree?

Zirconia Wolf 07-29-2007 04:19 PM

Semi unrelated, but : hey mikedelaney: what version of Dreamweaver are you using?? (I'm thinking of ditching Front Page....)

mikedelaney16 07-29-2007 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Zirconia Wolf (Post 3380)
Semi unrelated, but : hey mikedelaney: what version of Dreamweaver are you using?? (I'm thinking of ditching Front Page....)

Dreamweaver Ultrdev 4, it's old. But anything beats Front Page.

Zirconia Wolf 07-29-2007 04:35 PM

Old is fine by me! I don't use Adobe photo stuff for anything (if I can help it) so I didn't want to drop $400 on a program that sounds designed to pretty much work with Adobe by default...

mikedelaney16 07-29-2007 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Zirconia Wolf (Post 3383)
Old is fine by me! I don't use Adobe photo stuff for anything (if I can help it) so I didn't want to drop $400 on a program that sounds designed to pretty much work with Adobe by default...

Try and get an older pre Adobe version. Macromedia was a much nicer company.

Greg 07-29-2007 05:27 PM

Neat picture, Shorty! I've tried looking up my house on Google Earth but it is lost among the trees.

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