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Miros1 04-24-2007 08:41 PM

Explanation of genetic skins and eyes

Another tutorial: Tutorials link is in the right hand column.

Miros1 05-28-2007 12:05 AM

Pieced together from the ol' Hullabaloo:

There are two parts to binning...

1) Make the hair show up under its correct color. The Sim in the picture has brown hair from PeggySims2, which I binned a while ago. As you can see, binned hair retains its "custom" icon.

This allows the children of a Sim with custom hair to inherit the color and a randomly selected style instead of being the child version of the parent's hair.

2) Set the "family." If I were to click the Black or Blond button, the Sim would retain the style, but change to the black or blond version of the hair style.

Even hair which will remain in the Custom bin should be "binned" to set the family!



Originally Posted by Greg
It sort of makes it easier to find hair styles, but I don't see it as a major advantage. When they're all in custom hair styles, they tend to group together anyhow because that's the way I downloaded them.

As I said above:

This allows the children of a Sim with custom hair to inherit the color and a randomly selected style instead of being the child version of the parent's hair.
Binning is not to help the player. It's not to help the CAS created Sims. It's to create variety in their children and in the game generated Sims!

The best way to explain it is via the in-game CAS.

Give two Sims non-binned custom hair. Click the pacifier. Randomly generate children. The boys will have the child version of dad's hair. The girls will have the child version of mom's hair. Every time, exactly like the same sex parent. Remember, the Storm sisters will pass on their cloud white hair to their daughters, but not their sons?

Now modify mom and dad to have custom hair that's already binned. Click the pacifier. The children will have hair color that's determined by Maxian genetics (black dominant over brown dominant over blond dominant over red) and a randomly determined style which may include binned custom styles in that color.

Example: The Sim in the screenshot would have genetically "brown" hair. Her children would have genetically "brown" hair, not genetically "that-style-brown" hair.

In addition, the game adds binned hair to its list of "choices" available to it when creating a randomly generated Sim. This includes townies, downtownies, dormies, adopted toddlers/kids, etc.

Example: My newly minted teen in my almost newly minted 'hood went to a community lot because he'd spun up the 3 "personal electronics wants" that most kids get when they have their teen birthday. The game helpfully generated a couple new teens for him to meet, and one of them had the same binned custom hair as his mom! :rofl: Ms. Custom Hair didn't hit it off too well with the playable teen; he's going steady with a girl named Betty with the Maxis wavy hair. I kind of wish he'd picked the girl with custom hair... I wanted red haired grand children!

In CAS, yes, you can give your Sim kids any hair you want. In the game... well, yes, but that doesn't change their genetics (unless you run them through SimPE and fix them up that way).

You also don't get recessives in the kids if you've got 2 parents with hair from the custom bin. The kids end up homozygous with the same sex parent's hair. I love recessives! I wish the game created Sims had them. I even create 2 temporary Sims in CAS, have them produce an offspring, and delete the temporaries, just so my CAS Sims will have a little surprise for the next generation.
This was all jammed into a thread about a hair recolor by Kelly!

More words of wisdom on the subject:

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