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Zirconia Wolf 07-30-2007 02:58 AM

Missing A Maxis Sign?
Alright, I'm about to pull my hair out & have decided to ask someone out there if maybe I've hallucinated this....

A long while back (before Seasons, Celebrations & H&M Fashions) I was designing a lot & I used a "Maxis made" sign that was made to look kind of like a warning/autorized-personal-only type thing. (It had "writing" on it, not just the big exclaimation point. I think it was read & black on a white background & I'm pretty sure it came with OFB.)

Today I found myself in need of such a sign & for the life of me I can't find the freaking thing anywhere!

The only things I can figure are

1) It was over writen by something in Seasons, Celebrations or H&M Fashions.
2) I am too dumb to find it again.
3) I have totally hallucinated there ever beeing such a sign in the first place.

So, if anybody knows what sign I'm talking about (it should be under Decorations> Paintings, by the "Employees Must Wash Hands" & red exclaimation point ones) can you confirm it's existance in your game so I know I'm not completely crazey? Or maybe tell me if they've seen something like it available for download anywhere??? (I haven't yet...)


Miros1 07-30-2007 04:21 AM

I'll look for you! Needed an excuse to play again tonight, lol!

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