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Zirconia Wolf 08-23-2008 01:30 PM

Respawning Tombstones & Trashcans?
Is it possible to "retrieve" a tombstone/urn that has inexplicably gone missing?

How about the "outside" trashcans?

Any idea why they might go missing in the first place?

(Oh dear lord I don't want to have to reinstall this @#$% game again!)


Miros1 08-23-2008 06:12 PM

I've heard of the tombstones going missing, but haven't had that problem myself, and don't remember the fix.

Never heard of the trashcan problem.

Greg 08-24-2008 01:55 AM

There's a set you can download from somewhere that includes a trash can, a mailbox, and a free pizza. That works for replacing missing trash cans.

The question now, is where the heck is that thing from?

Zirconia Wolf 08-24-2008 12:21 PM

Yes, yes there was!

(ZW rummages through her various Sims links...)


It was from Sim A Little Dream, & called the Lot Set Up Collection!


Now to tackle my Tombstones.


Greg 08-25-2008 01:10 AM

That's the one, ZW! "Sim a Little, Dream a Lot"! :D

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