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morgaine 05-15-2007 04:16 PM

Sunny side of life!
Hi you folks around the world,

I'm Morgaine, 42, female, and totally sims-download-addicted since a friend of mine showed me THE SIMS...

I'm not playing much, it's my joy to find the hottest and most perfect things for my sims, rather than let them use them...

I spend a lot of time trying to organize my downloads-folder, not much effect until now... but I get the impression that I am not alone with these kinds of problems!

I live in Germany, next to Frankfurt.

Happy simming!


Miros1 05-15-2007 04:25 PM

Get Delphy's Download Organizer from MTS2. Don't have exact link, but just search for DDO on the main page. It's awesome!

Greg 05-15-2007 06:46 PM

Hi Morgaine! Welcome to Sun Sims! :D

Ohh... now I have that Monty Python sketch going through my head: "Always look on the bright side of life..."

Zenmistress 05-15-2007 08:44 PM

Believe downloads are a MESS!! I've tried to organize and thin out, but then I just go and download more. LOL It seemed easier to keep them organized in S1.

Welcome to Sun Sims! :wave:


Miros1 05-15-2007 11:18 PM

Lol, I just download them into folders by site, then unzip a whole batch and move them into a like named folder in Downloads... Keeping track of meshes vs. recolors was a bit dicey, but now DDO makes it fairly painless!

I do have to report 4 "false orphans" to Delphy...

Greg 05-16-2007 04:16 AM

Organizing downloads is a constant struggle for me, too. My biggest problem is determining whether I already have something installed because things tend to sneak into strange spots.

Delphy's Download Organizer helps a lot but the community has a long way to go to create the sort of download manager that I daydream about.

Miros1 05-16-2007 01:44 PM

That's why when a mesh comes in with a skin, I never simply drag it to the skinner's folder. 90% of the time, it really belongs elsewhere, so I track it down and put it in the folder for the mesher!

One trick I use is to figure out what part of the filename is the identifying part for the mesher. Then you can use Windows Search to figure out which folder already has lots of other meshes by that person and put it there.

I'd like a randomizer feature... leave in what is needed for your hood(s), and randomly swap in other stuff (and swap out unused stuff). That way, you and your Sims both get a nice surprise when shopping for clothes or remodelling the kitchen!

morgaine 05-16-2007 06:51 PM

So it's not me alone...
Thank you for your friendly welcome! I've tried DDO the day it came out and it worked fine for lots of things, if the DDO can identify them. But unfortuneately I have lots of stuff without a identification and cryptic filenames. Now I put things in a "New stuff"-folder and rename it, when the filename isn't recognizable. Since I am not able to upload anything and do not plan to do so, I think that's no problem.
What I find annoying is that, when I downloaded p. e. underwear in eight colors and it's just one package, that I have to delete it one for one, and always the display in CAS or bodyshop jumps to the beginning, that's tedious, or am I too stupid? Is there another way handling it? I tried putting everything I want to delete in a collection-file, then deleted it, to no effect. That's annoying.

Miros1 05-17-2007 03:16 AM

If you turn on debug, you should see the file names in CAS (I think), then you can delete them with Windows Search or DDO.

Get the update to DDO, it's much improved since the first version.

morgaine 05-17-2007 09:03 AM

Turn on debug? :asking06:

Miros1 05-17-2007 01:37 PM

At the neighborhood screen, press Ctrl-Shift-C, then type "boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true" without the quotes.

Or you can make a userStartup.cheat file in your E:\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Config folder and place any cheats you want active every time you play in that file. If you go this route, make absolutely sure the filename is userStartup.cheat, not userStartup.cheat.txt!

Greg 05-17-2007 04:23 PM

Here's a link to Delphy's Download Organizer on MTS2.

The filename is DownloadOrganiser.rar.

Zenmistress 05-18-2007 05:58 PM

I don't unnerstand how the orphan scan works. Once the scan is done, is it supposed to be obvious what files are orphaned? Cause, it doesn't seem to be to me.

Miros1 05-18-2007 08:08 PM

Well, it's a 3 step process...
1) Do a Full Scan of the Downloads folder.
2) Do an Orphan Scan (File menu).
3) Click the "Show Orphans" check box. You'll see just the stuff that can't be matched up.

I've done this so many times that I don't even think to fully explain to new users!

Warning: I've still got a few things flagged as orphans that aren't. So don't delete stuff that you know works in your game!

Warning 2: After performing some combination of drag stuff in, incremental scan, orphan scan, delete stuff, lather, rinse, repeat... the program gets a little flaky. Symptoms include not showing orphans that you weren't trying to fix and showing orphans that you already deleted. When it does that, just do another Full Scan.

Zenmistress 05-19-2007 12:41 AM

Gotcha...thanks. I missed the "show orphans" check box.

Wren 05-20-2007 11:58 PM

Hi morgaine!

innocentmonster 05-23-2007 09:29 PM

welcome i'm late on the hello and welcome but whatever hello and welcome and I hope you enjoy you can ask me for any good sim sites and like my name here says i'm an innocentmonster so beware lol so enjoy and go onto our other fun side on this site in the forums

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