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xK-la 06-30-2007 06:04 AM

My name is Kayla. I am a custom content creator and not to mention a builder. I love The Sims so much that I play it everyday. I even have my own website dedicated to The Sims, It is called Juicy Sims.

Obvouisly I am new, I am American but I moved to Australia about a year ago... Or something like that. I have a lot of interests such as The Sims 2, Harry Potter, Horror movies, Shopping, Singing, Dancing, Acting, Playing the PS2/PS3, Reading, Making graphics and many more.

If you want to know more, just ask =)

Greg 06-30-2007 06:17 AM

Welcome to Sun Sims, xK-la! :)

Hmm... Juicy Sims still looks all bright and shiny and new, so maybe a link to Juicy Sims will attact some Sims fans who will help scratch the paint and scuff up the chrome. :D

How did you end up in Australia? Is it a tale worth telling?

xK-la 06-30-2007 06:21 AM

Thank you Greg!

Aww, well I'll link it now, plus I added it in the fansite area ;) and with a bit of luck it will help :p

Yes it is a tale worth telling, well we moved to Australia 3 years ago for my dads job and then we moved back to America for my dads job again and we stayed there for a few years and we moved back here. Long story short ;)

I would've made it more interesting by saying we sailed the seven seas and sailed in the most horrific weather but then I would be lying :laugh:

Greg 06-30-2007 03:00 PM

I can certainly identify with the need to move to follow the work, but I think so far the longest distance I've ever moved for a job was just 2,000 miles. :lol:

Hey, maybe you can pick up some nifty Aussie tales from Shorty. He's in South Australia and just chock full of fascinating stories about life down under! :D

xK-la 07-01-2007 04:50 AM

Yeah, it gets to be a pain in the butt moving all the time though :S

I think I might do just that Greg! Thanks for the heads up ;)

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