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Peake Preusse 04-11-2007 03:14 AM

V.I.P. Sims & Their Homes
"Hi, I'm Heather Sandecker, host of V.I.P. Sim & Their Homes." Play Neu Rheinlander National Anthem

"For the premier, I will travel to the city of Zollernia to see the "Palace of St. Joan D'Arc", Home of Seine Imperiale Majestät, Paul von Schneider, and Ihre Serene Hoheit Kaiserin Helena."

"It should film soon, first the crew and I have to go through security and background checks. I hope to see you soon..."

Greg 04-11-2007 09:02 AM

We're off to an interesting start! :)

Miros1 04-11-2007 12:59 PM

Yes, interesting format!

Greg 04-11-2007 11:00 PM

And that house is beyond cool!

Peake Preusse 04-11-2007 11:13 PM

I wanted a cool home for der Kaiser and his family. The "original" one (on Insimadult) isn't cool, it was über-huge. It had like 9 bedrooms, a impractical home for Sims. The phrase "Court of St. James' (palace) ", always interest me. So, this would be the "Court of St. Joan D'Arc."

Greg 04-11-2007 11:16 PM

Now you've got me thinking. You're right; most large mansions are really impractical as homes for sims.

Over at the ol' Baloo, we once had fun trying to figure out what's the least expensive home one could build for a single guy. It might be fun to try that again, except to try to build the least expensive, fully outfitted home for a family of 8.

Peake Preusse 04-12-2007 04:18 AM

Miss Heather Sandecker will be eventually available to download. She is curently too busy with the production of the episode.

Peake Preusse 04-13-2007 02:12 AM

Note: Please keep in mind that Kaiser Paul I Cincinnatus speaks German as first language not English. He has trouble with certain sound, like “th”.

"Guten tag, fraulein Sandecker"

"Your Imperial Majesty, It is good of you give me a tour of the palace, today. Call me, Heather."

"Please come in, Heat’er."

"Ta palace was build in 1990 from ta shell of a palace guard barracks."

"Really? I thought the monarchy here in Neu Rheinland dated back to about 1770?"

"Ja, in 1767, ta first Prince, Fürst Raymond, was sent to govern what was a joint Hanoverian-Prussian colony by ta Kaiser of ta Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation. In 1968, ta Crumblebottom Teufelfrau overthrew both ta monarchy und ta democratic government. The original palace und ta barracks were destroyed in ta furor ."

"And in 1987, you restored the democracy. Is it true that you're head of Social Democratic Party in Neu Rheinland, Sir?"

"Ja, de jure."

“T’is is my public office, Heat’er. According to the 1990 constitution, ta Kaiser has executive power in Neu Rheinland. In tis office, I attend to ta business of government. Despite what ta Vespucian Federacy says, I am not a ruler. In my heart, I am a servant of Neu Rheinland.”

“T’is the private living room. My son, the Prinz Raymond…”

“und meine liebe, ta Kaiserin, Helena von Schneider. We will finish ta tour, Heat’er, t’en all of us will talk.”

“Ta Dining room, last month Helena und I entertained ta Cartierian Prime Minster und his wife in here.”

“T’is is the t’rone room. Heather, I greet new ambassadors und consuls here to review t’eir credentials. Und on a occasion, foreign leaders.”

“The Tiger isn’t your family symbol, is it Sir?”

“Nein, ta eagle vappenschild, vhat is ta frase…”

“Coat of Arms?”

“Tat is it, Heat’er. Ta coat of Arms tapestries are being cleaned.”

“T’is my daughter, Jessica’s room, she is at college.”

“Which college, Sir?”

“Ta Military Academy in Fürstinhaven, Heat‘er.”

“Is she dating Grethe Neilsen, the movie star and how would it affect her acceding to the throne?”

“Ja, I believe she is dating Grethe. Eine gute fraulein, nicht so gut actress. My successor is elected from among my children by popular vote of ta people. Neu Rheinland loves Gerthe, so I vould say it is very likely Jessica maybe ta next kaiserin, but do not quote me.”

“You like the view from here, Heat’er?”

“T’is is ta Imperiale bed chamber, I do not think it is appropriative to show you it…”

“That is fine, Sir.”

dark_jean 04-15-2007 12:23 PM

Pretty cool house!!!!!

Greg 04-19-2007 05:19 PM

Every house should have an Imperial Throne Room!

Miros1 04-19-2007 07:43 PM

Cross-game post... my Dark Age of Camelot character sneaked onto King Constantine's throne! (The blond hair sticking up behind the king's crown is his advisor, not a head deformity or crown slippage on the part of the King.)

(Click for bigger picture)

meganroxy 11-28-2008 07:08 PM

nice house :-)

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