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Greg 04-07-2007 10:51 PM

Forum Issues and Suggestions
I thought I'd continue my habit of stealing great ideas from Kathy and start a thread just for reporting problems with the forum and providing issues and suggestions. :D

Over at Insim, the mods seem to have to deal with quite a few Frequently Requested Features that would make their board look more like MTS2 or The Sims Resource. I'll attempt to stem the tide here with this: Sun Sims is just a little personal site, not a big corporate-backed conglomerate. Those guys have the staff to do stuff that we have no hope of duplicating. Let us all gaze in wonder and awe at the wonderful toys they can provide, but learn to appreciate the charming simplicity of my little playpen here. :)

Greg 04-07-2007 10:53 PM

Am I the only one having difficulty with how the board shows the icons for what topics have been read?

If I back out of a topic one layer at a time, things show up as read, but if I just jump back to the top of the board or off to another topic, things show as unread even when I'm the last person to reply in a thread.

And some threads always show as unread no matter what I do.

Is anyone else experiencing this? Are there anky vBulletin experts around who might know what's causing it?

Miros1 04-08-2007 03:39 AM

Yes, I've seen it, but I have no idea what's happening, unless the "read" flag needs to percolate back up layer by layer. For this reason, I always go into the page for "new posts since last visit."

Greg 04-08-2007 03:40 AM

I'm wondering if maybe the web browser is loading old pages from cache. But if that were the case, I'd see this same phenomenon at Insim, but Insim behaves exactly as I would expect.

Miros1 04-08-2007 03:41 AM

Not if they've customized their meta tags to prevent it!

Greg 04-08-2007 03:41 AM

Erm... how do you do that?

Miros1 04-08-2007 03:42 AM

Lemme look it up and get back to you...

Mickey 05-07-2007 10:00 PM

How about a fansite section? ;)

Mickey 05-07-2007 10:09 PM

Also, maybe Ive missed it or something, but Are we allowed Pictures in out Signatires?

Greg 05-08-2007 12:30 AM

Aha! Good idea! I should have thought of having a section just for links to other sites and update announcements, so now there is one! I added Sims 2 Fan Sites Links and Updates to the "Community" area. And of course webmasters are welcome and encouraged to tell us about their sites and updates there.

No, Sun Sims doesn't allow pictures in signatures. I'm kind of a curmudgeon about elaborate signatures.

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