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Kaylyn 11-22-2007 12:41 AM

The SimCity Saga
When SimCity was first incorporated, the government was desperate to populate the area. They decided that the best way to entice people to move to the area was to offer $20,000 grants and guaranteed home loans to prospective new citizens. The city, though bare, was divided into several wards, or neighborhoods. Though the takers were few at first, word spread like wildfire once the first families were established and, over time, grew to become the SimCity you know and love (or hate) today.

This is the saga of SimCity, and of the neighborhoods that comprise it: Pleasantview, Strangetown, Veronaville, Riverblossom Hills, and Bluewater Village. This is the story of families such as the Goths, the Grants, the Capps, the O'Mackeys, and of course the Landgraabs, told from their first beginnings in SimCity. It was a long journey from their roots to their present status, and it will be a long tale to tell. I hope you enjoy learning their history as it played out in my game.

The first family chose to settle in the Pleasantview ward and were eventually to become one of the more influential families of the city: the Goths. Victor Goth had a nice three-story house built and furnished. He did a little job-hunting as soon as they were settled in and decided his best option was to spend some time in the military.

He had raised his son Gunther to be a proper little boy. He didn't allow him to spend his leisure time with nonsense like television and video games. Luckily Gunther actually enjoyed things like reading and playing piano. But his teenage years were coming up fast, and there was no telling how content he would be to sit around quietly like a little gentleman.

Gretle loved nothing more than to spend time with her children. Her daughter Frida was still a toddler, but growing up fast. Her eyes just seemed to absorb everything around whenever she was awake. Gretle had high hopes of sending the children to college, and she could tell Frida would love school and learning.

She was right. When Frida was old enough to attend school for the first time, she bounded down the stairs and wolfed down her breakfast. "Careful, dear. Don't eat so fast or you'll choke. It won't make the school bus arrive any faster."

Gunther sniggered into his own Pop-tart. "I don't see why you're so excited. School sucks. You'll make lots of friends, though."

"I don't care! I wanna be smart and learn everything there is to know!"

Gretle smiled to herself and chewed a bite of breakfast thoughtfully as she absentmindedly stroked her stomach. She had just discovered she was expecting a third child. Her first two were so different, with Gunther preferring to play with his friends rather than do homework, when Frida always had her nose in a book and didn't pay much attention to anything else around her. She wondered if this third one would grow up to be like either of them, or more like Victor or her, or something totally unique to the family.

That same day Victor came home jobless. He just didn't have what it took to be a military man. He relayed the news to Gretle and grabbed the paper to look for a new position when Gretle broke her own news to him. He was a little taken aback because they had only planned on the two. He smiled reassuringly, yet he was far from being overjoyed.

"I know you're happy, and I'm sure I will be, too. I'll just feel better when I have a job again."

Things really weren't as tight as they could be. Their cat, Roux, was actually a professional exterminator and did quite well bringing in money herself. Victor scratched the cat on the head affectionately as he headed off to the hot shower to relax his troubles away.

When he got out of the shower he made a phone call to a number he found in the paper. His military skills would transfer well to law enforcement, and he felt he could handle it better.

Oddly enough, Frida liked to spend some time playing before sitting down with her homework after school. Gunther was the opposite; he preferred to get his homework out of the way first so that he had the rest of the evening free to do what he wanted.

Soon Gretle went into labor and delivered a baby girl, Helena Goth. Though she would have loved to have had a dozen children, she knew that was silly and that Victor would never agree to it, and so she agreed that three should be enough for them.

When Gunther entered high school, he joined the JROTC and found a part-time job through it. He also grew a silly mustache and started exhibiting some strange behavior in his spare time...he started talking to himself in the mirror. A lot. All mushy-like. Frida gagged every time she caught him at it. What was going on with Gunther?

Greg 11-24-2007 12:32 AM

Hmm... something seems to be awry with the pictures, darn it.

Miros1 11-24-2007 03:26 AM

Yep, fubar for me too!

Greg 11-24-2007 02:01 PM

It's a fun presentation of the peculiar behavior of sims, though! :lol:

Can a cat really be a professional exterminator?

Miros1 11-24-2007 05:35 PM

Yes. You have to get Pets. You'll be posting hourly with your pets' new job titles! (As well as endless pictures of Sheba's brood mauling, err, cuddling the pets.)

Greg 11-24-2007 06:14 PM

Welll... really, the idea of having a cat get a job as a professional exterminator is a bit too silly to be something I wouldn't want to have in my game.

Miros1 11-24-2007 08:58 PM

Cats catch mice. Some are very good at it. Why shouldn't they get paid?

Greg 11-25-2007 01:33 AM

Thinking of starting a new business?

Kaylyn 11-26-2007 04:39 AM

Hmm...I used livejournal to host the pictures. Let me fool around with them, maybe the privacy settings are messed up. I also have this posted at so maybe you can view there too.

Edit: Grr. Still working out the kinks. I can see the pics but Eddie says he can't on either here or LJ.

Edit again: Fixed for here at least. Can't figure out LJ. Photobucket is simpler. :)

Greg 11-26-2007 11:50 AM

Hooray! It works! Neat pictures!

Kaylyn 11-27-2007 03:05 AM

Thanks! This may not be the most drama-filled story in the world, like my other one was. It's intended to use the actual family trees of the Maxis-made characters and tell an entire city's story, not just a single neighborhood. They're gonna be linked together, Pleasantview as the main hood and Strangetown, Veronaville, Bluewater Village, and Riverblossom Hills (Seasons hood) as shopping districts/downtowns. That way the residents can all interact instead of being limited to only their own hood. I'm cloning them directly from SimPE when possible and recreating them based on their personalities and pics there, then adding them into their respective families at the appropriate times. Five families are older than the rest and they're getting concentrated on first, then there'll be a swarm of new families when the next generation is old enough to marry. So this project is gonna take a while, especially when you factor in I can only play 3 days a week and then I also play a lot of other games, like WoW and lately gotten addicted to the Stronghold games.

Greg 11-27-2007 05:00 PM

I have been known to do that, too--send sims off into the world to visit other neighborhoods.

I haven't played with the possibility much but nowadays it seems like you could create additional shopping districts and downtowns that are really additional neighborhoods and have one big world populated by one set of sims. I know that a college campus is different but does it really matter whether a neighborhood is a neighborhood, a shopping district, or a downtown?

Kaylyn 11-27-2007 05:23 PM

I don't think it matters since you can place residential lots in any of them. I guess we'll find out for sure when I play the Capps and Montys after I get done with the Crumplebottoms introduction in the next part.

nyrockzss 11-28-2007 08:34 PM

I like it! and I'm looking forward to the next part!

Kaylyn 02-06-2008 07:15 AM

Simon and Prudence Crumplebottom finished moving the last of their furniture into their new house in Pleasantview, down the street from the Goth family. It had taken a week to get everything sent over and new pieces ordered that were needed. They had already begun sending their two daughters to school. They admired their just-finished kitchen with weariness in their eyes.

"So what do you think?" Simon asked.

Prudence nodded. "I like it. The bedrooms are a little small, though. I hope the girls don't suddenly develop claustrophobia."

Simon laughed. "They're not that much smaller than they were at our old place. I'm sure they'll be fine. As long as we don't have any more little ones, we'll settle in soon enough."

Prudence shook her head. "No plans for that on my end. Though I do wish we could have had a son. Someone to pass on the family name, you know. There's a few distant cousins near here, but I'm afraid they'll just give us a bad name." She stretched and yawned. "Ok, bedtime now..."

"...and job hunt tomorrow."

Prudence found a job at a nearby research facility. They had two openings, and were happy to accept both Simon and her onto the team. It was an ok job for starters, not to mention very interesting, but both had other plans for their lives.

Agnes, their youngest daughter, began begging for a pet immediately. Though they really didn't want to deal with the hassle of a dog or a cat, they gave her her very own guinea pig, which she immediately named Panda.

She was actually very grown-up for her age and enjoyed reading the paper, though it was almost bigger than she was.

"That's some mighty big reading you're doing there," a male voice said from behind her and to her left. She looked up to see who it was.

"Gunther!" It was her new friend Frida's big brother, the one Cornelia liked to talk about all the time.

"Hey there, Agnes! Is your sister around?"

"Hi, Gunther." Cornelia came in from the great room and smiled shyly at him. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was hoping you could help me with that English essay."

"Sure thing. The computer's in the office. Let's go on the internet and look up some sources to cite."

Since Victor had only owned a computer for a brief period of time, selling it when he couldn't do much more than play Solitaire on it, Gunther had no idea how to work the internet.

"It's easy, here, let me show you." She clicked on her favorite search engine's button and typed in what she was looking for, and it instantly appeared on the screen.

"That's so neat," Gunther said.

Cornelia stood up. "Here, why don't you play around with it a little while?" There wasn't much room in the tiny office, and when Cornelia attempted to get around Gunther, they got a little too close to one another.

Before she could stop herself, she wrapped her arms around Gunther's neck and kissed him. He kissed her back and they pulled away from each other, blushing madly.

They did manage to get their work done, though with much more touching and giggling than was really necessary.

Afterwards they unwound in front of the television. Gunther's family didn't own one, so he had a lot of fun laughing at the sitcoms along with Cornelia, though he did spend an awful lot of time staring at her than at the TV.

Soon he had to head home. They said their goodbyes and shared another kiss, and for the rest of the evening he kept saying to himself over and over again, "I have a girlfriend...I have a girlfriend!"

Greg 02-07-2008 12:34 AM

Hang in there, Gunther! You can do this! :D

Kaylyn 02-08-2008 09:22 PM

Sorry if it's a little uninteresting at the moment. I don't have much playtime for Sims anymore due to other interests, and every time I'd log into this family to play I immediately lost interest. Hopefully it will pick up now! :D

Greg 02-09-2008 04:54 PM

I think it's pretty neat! I'm having some difficulty keeping track of the characters but that might be easier as they develop their own personalities and situations.

Kaylyn 02-09-2008 09:19 PM

It will come together eventually, but it's going to get more confusing before it gets better. If you need help figuring out the characters, check the Maxis-made family trees. The Crumplebottoms and the Goths are ancestors of the current Goth family, and except for the baby that Gretle had in-game (merely to aid towards satisfying her lifetime want of sending 3 kids to college) all the current characters are in the Goth family tree. Next is the Capps and Montys (and their spouses' families) from Veronaville, followed by the oldest families in Riverblossom Hills (the Sutters and another family I can't remember at this time), and then it'll probably be college time for all the teens. Should get to the next chapter before too long, though!

Kaylyn 04-10-2008 01:36 AM

While the Goths and Crumplebottoms were ruling over Pleasantview, the Veronaville area was beginning to bustle itself. The Capps were among the first families in.

Antony Capp was always excited to have company over. The Crumplebottoms had stopped by to introduce themselves on the way back from touring nearby colleges with their teenage daughter.

“Come in, come in! I was just about to fix some dinner!”

Antony was a gourmand for sure, and loved spending time in the kitchen trying new recipes.

But though he loved to cook, it didn’t make him the world’s best chef. Even Pop-Tarts occasionally stumped him. Luckily there was no lasting damage from the occasional kitchen fire, unless you count Antony’s bruised ego.

He soon developed a bit of an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Sometimes he would just freak out in the strangest places, banging his head lightly against the wall mumbling to himself. He was terrified one day he’d burn the house down and everything he’d worked for till now would be destroyed.

Scribonia was Antony’s daughter, and she loved sports. She was enrolled in the local preparatory school, where she secured a spot on the varsity girls’ basketball team.

Cleopatra knew a long time ago that it was destiny when she met a man by the name of Antony. She was the quiet type, preferring to read for hours, and could most often be found on the ballet barre.

Not only did Cleopatra enjoy dancing, but music as well. She even found a violin and began learning how to play. She was quite terrible to begin with, but it brought her so much joy, and soon her playing sounded less like a screeching cat and more like actual music.

Their lives were fairly uneventful. Scribonia racked up scholarships for college and played basketball in her spare time. Then the Caesars came into their lives…

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