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VenusianRain 01-08-2010 02:57 AM

Sims 1 Downloads?
Hello Everyone, :salute:
It has been quite awhile since I have been here. I signed up in December of 2007, and never really got to look around much because I had REALLY SLOW dial-up. Well I now have something much faster, and I am back! :blob7: My question is this: Is there any sims 1 downloads at this forum, and if so how would I locate them? I tried a search, but didn't really come up with anything...So if any of you kind souls out there are still around, and would care to answer, I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks a bunch, and Happy New Year to everyone here! :angel12:

Miros1 01-09-2010 03:52 PM

No, we have only Sims 2 downloads here. We do support the game, so if you have any questions or problems, feel free to ask!

You might want to check out MoonSims, Greg's original Sims site. There's a list of sites hosted by MoonSims in the right column, which are really worth visiting!

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