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Sita 03-04-2008 05:15 PM

A new convert
Took my young'un to the library today, and the opticians. He hasn't been reading books much for years, regarding books as an imposition put upon him by schools to stop him from playing computer games...
Well, the optician told him he needs to play less computer games and find other things to do as he's straining his eyes. :laugh: He is quite short-sighted, and it hasn't been noticed till now (because the schools he went to didn't use blackboards I think) - and it does run in the family. So suddenly he wants to go back to the library... the upshot being that he got out Starship Troopers! SO another convert to the Master... :salute:

Greg 03-04-2008 05:45 PM

Yippee! Depending on hold he is, I'd say that Starship Troopers is an excellent introduction. If he likes that one, he might also like Farmer in the Sky and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

Miros1 03-04-2008 09:59 PM

Also Andre Norton's Star Man's Son. Even my mom liked that one.

Greg 03-04-2008 11:34 PM

When he gets really hooked: Larry Niven's Ringworld

Hokieman 03-05-2008 12:07 AM

Don't forget Drake, Turtledove, Aspin, Weber and Clarke!!!

Miros1 03-05-2008 04:46 AM

Well, Sita didn't specify age, so we were sticking to the juvenile stuff... If he's older, I can recommend tons of stuff.

Greg 03-05-2008 05:03 PM

Good point. Ringworld has some elements that might not be appropriate for a pre-teen.

Sita 03-06-2008 01:38 PM

He's a very young but highly intelligent 22 year old with Asperger's Syndrome. And I think he would dislike books with "naughty" stuff in them, though he loves action and blowing things up... latest games he played were Stalker, Prey and Railroad Tycoon (3 I think?). My knowledge of "clean" SF mostly dates from the 50s and 60s... after that it seems to get a bit murky. Clarke seems a bit wordy for a new reader. I thought early Heinlein, Yes! The Moon is an excellent suggestion! and then let him choose some, experiment. But all suggestions gratefully received.

Hokieman 03-06-2008 11:45 PM

Ok then, I'd suggest David Weber's Honor Harrington and Armageddan Moon series for sure. Most of Clarke's works, Turtledove's Kripos series. Also, a number of his alternative history novels.

Non Science fiction, basically any of Clive Cussler's fiction.

Greg 03-07-2008 12:46 AM

For more modern stuff, he might enjoy Steve Gould's yarns; that's the fellow who wrote Jumper. As I recall, Steve pretty much avoids naughty stuff in his books.

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