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nyrockzss 07-28-2007 02:25 AM

This is weird...
I called one gardener and fifty of them show up. And they're still coming. :help1:

innocentmonster 07-28-2007 02:28 AM

OMG!!!Well I hope your sim has alot of simolens

nyrockzss 07-28-2007 02:35 AM

well that's what we have motherlode for...:)

Miros1 07-28-2007 03:15 AM

Have you tried dismissing/firing them?

I'd get the antiredundancy hack.

Zirconia Wolf 07-28-2007 03:49 AM

Is that what the antiredundancy hack is for???

I've never been able to figure it out...

Greg 07-28-2007 04:19 AM

That happened in my game once, quite some time ago. I only got half a dozen, though. I made 'em all playable by inviting them to move in and then moved the whole lot of them off into a house of their own.

Now I'm trying to remember what I did, if anything, to stop it. I'll see if I made any notes in the photo album the next time I start my game. If I recall correctly, the Gardener family is still living in Happy Valley.

Miros1 07-28-2007 05:23 AM

Well, antiredundancy is supposed to prevent the spawning of a different maid, gardener, etc., everytime you hire one. Can't hurt in this case, lol!

Greg 07-28-2007 06:01 AM

Confirmed: Six of them, all living together in their own house.

The Gardeners
That's Brittainy Parker holding her baby Betty, whom she got courtesy of Billy Ray Baybrace.
Betty was born the moment I re-entered their household just now. That's really good news
because it means another pre-Nightlife pregnancy has come to fruition without crashing my
game. Oddly, though, according to my notes she only carried Betty for one day.

I haven't found out what I did to stop them coming, if I did anything at all. The most unhelpful note I made in their photo album on August 8, 2005 says:


The Gardeners! These girls happened when there was an explosion of gardeners coming to visit one household. (I forget which, but it's probably recorded in a family album somewhere.)

MEMO: Image d0040011_50040012

nyrockzss 07-28-2007 03:32 PM

Hey that is a good idea to make them playable. Rock Creek is deserted right now becasue I'm too lazy to make any more families!:p Thanks! I'll probably couple a few of them off. Why did I get so many girls?

I had to pause the game and quit, so when I go back on, I'll do that. And if you can figure out how you stopped them, that would be great! Thanks again!

Greg 07-28-2007 04:18 PM

I'm still looking! It's a bit like like looking for a needle in a haystack because there are so many households in Happy Valley, but I needed to visit all those lots anyhow, to update them to Nightlife and Open For Business.

It was scary when I saw that Brittainy Parker was pregnant because of the baby bug that has been plaguing me in my N008 Xanadu neighborhood; so having a normal birth was a very happy thing. :D

nyrockzss 07-28-2007 06:38 PM

I figured it out! You have to tell one of them "End Services." Then I just dismissed all of them. I have funny pics of the situation. I can't put them on yet because my sister is using my laptop so I am on the family computer.

Greg 07-29-2007 07:42 AM

Aha! I might have thought to "end services" way back when. I just don't remember. :thinking:

I've been snooping through the houses, trying to find the spot where it happened in my game. No luck yet, but I've been having lots of fun visiting with sims I haven't talked to in two years! :D

AuntieThorne 08-16-2007 02:13 AM

Oh, my!! I'd love for a bunch of gardeners to show up. I just fired the one I had, because she couldn't seem to keep up with the weeds!

Greg 08-16-2007 06:05 AM

Yup, with gardeners only showing up once every three days, your sims are bound to end up doing some of the garden work unless you only have one or two bushes.

That's another thing missing in the game: Some people actually enjoy gardening. It ought to be a skill, and it ought to be fun for sims that have a green thumb.

Miros1 08-16-2007 10:49 AM

1) There's a daily gardener hack in that nasty place.
2) It's a badge as of Seasons. The higher your badge, the more expensive food crops you can plant. Gardening is also part of Macrotastics from that same nasty place, as well as Skillinator.

Zirconia Wolf 08-16-2007 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Miros1
1) There's a daily gardener hack in that nasty place.
2) It's a badge as of Seasons. The higher your badge, the more expensive food crops you can plant. Gardening is also part of Macrotastics from that same nasty place, as well as Skillinator.

I also highly recomend the "All Gardeners Have Gold Gardening Badges" mod by mike 1102 from MTS2 for any Seasons players out there. Without this handy hack all those "for hire" Gardeners have only a @#$! bronze Gardening Badge by default!! (Maxis strikes again!!!)

Miros1 08-16-2007 01:52 PM

Hm, that's another thing to fix with SimPE...

Greg 08-16-2007 08:25 PM

It sort of makes sense that new hires might not be at the top of their profession, but it should be possible even for an NPC to grow into it, and the employee's salary should match the skill level.

Miros1 08-16-2007 10:31 PM

That is what happens when you've got a Sim running a "truck farm" with a farm stand... The employees garden and gain badges while the produce goes into the owner's inventory to restock the stand.

Greg 08-17-2007 08:29 AM

I've never played an OFB scenario but that at least sounds reasonable.

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