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Brit 04-02-2008 12:25 PM

Ello and a bit more!!
Said in me best Brit accent, tho I live in the USA, I am told I still sound funny!!
I am a Surgical Flight RN, and am 38yrs old. I headed a helo team that did field surgical procedures, until I was hit, whilst on foot in a crosswalk, by a 3rd time DUI that blew a 0.22 at 11:40 in the morning.

My leg has had 4 surgical procedures and my heart sustained a impact injury that diminished the cardio function to 43%, in which it is slowly recovering. ( Irony, I 'danced Ballet 'en pointe' for 15 yrs) and to have that and my lifes work, taken away from me, because of a drunk's decision to drive after a liquid breakfast was devastating.

Having multi-tasked and worked a minimum of 54+hrs weekly, a understanding RN 'gifted' me The Original Sims game, to keep me occupied.
Whilst I rarely allow the game to play out the senerios, I spend the majority of the time exterior and interior designing the houses and lots, the game in 'live mode' is rather boring... lol

So thats my long winded ello and introduction, I have a few questions.

As I now have found and bought The Sims Complete Collection(all expansions packs included) on ebay.. I have been looking to add unique objects for the designing process.
I do not know if Objects that specify Sims 2 work in the original game, and when seaching thru the Ultimate List, many links are broken or take you to an ad site, I even got a malware from one ..

I would suggest that there be a space on the List page, that could be used to ask for objects we wish it find.( glass doors, bathroom *.. colour* toilets ect..*...
and an area for general replies from the 'site owners' to say.. Visit such and such for those objects .. so on and so forthe..

Would be amazingly helpful!!

Thanks heaps!!


*I LOVE Persimmon Grove( I have downloaded nearly everything from there!!) and GardeningSims is awesome!!
Tis grand, the way their outdoor objects will 'blend' with each other to create unique and custome views.*

Miros1 04-02-2008 02:42 PM

Hi, Brit!

Sorry to hear about your problems! Hope you heal up as quickly as possible!

Sadly, the game designers made decisions that completely changed the file format for Sims 2, so nothing is forward or backward compatible. A few Sims 1 sites were making their objects with screen shots of 3d meshes, so they had a head start on making Sims 2 objects. I think all of our stuff here is Sims 2; if you have any particular needs, I can dig through my stuff from the Wooden Simolean to find something similar.

Yeah, Persimmon Grove is great! Parsimonious is another good site that still has TS1 stuff. I also like Around The Sims; although some of their items are pay, one tiny donation gives you access to all donation items forever. Sandy also has bookmarks to a few Sims 1 sites that are still updating; I just noticed that feature while testing my links for you! Both these sites are updating too! I'm not sure if Clivia is still updating Sims Deco, but I did make matching appliances for the Pointe de Diamant kitchen back in the day, which was one of my most popular downloads.

It sounds like you're interested in recoloring and making new objects; do you have Transmogrifier yet? That's the Sims 1 tool you need.

BTW, we do have a section here for the Ultimate Sims List; as you find dead links/squatter sites/etc., report them and Greg will remove them. Sorry you got electronic germs from a squatter!

I do think a Where Can I Find would be handy, for both games. Oh, Greg....

Greg 04-03-2008 02:04 AM

Welcome to Sun Sim, Brit! :D

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