Thread: Pets Codes!!!
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Old 05-04-2007, 07:25 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by homerette View Post
Is that why my Crittur family never works? She'll not eat or use any of the accoutrements. He'll play with things, but not eat. I have patched pets and seasons installed, but its still a problem. Not a big one, I just delete them from the sim bin.
The Kat family is almost as bad... one cat will destroy a piece of furniture in the first few seconds if you don't watch carefully.

Basically, both sets of pets are trained bass-ackwards from the way any sane person would train them.

To "untrain" Danny and Sarah, drop a plate of Sim food on the floor and let them eat enough to avert starvation. Then scold them. This breaks their training to eat "people food." At that point they will eat pet food when really hungry. Praise them as much as possible when they do this, and they will eventually be trained to eat pet food. Or you can use the cheat that makes pets fully controllable and force them to eat pet food, then praise them. That's a little better for the relationship score!

You also need to do this with the Kat menagerie. Quickly scold them often for scratching the furniture and sleeping on the beds. Praise them for scratching the condo and sleeping in the pet beds. You also need to move the condo away from the wall so they can scratch it -- whoever set up that house never even tried to play it!

The problem Zirconia mentioned is this... If you let Sarah have her puppies (or Rose have her baby) the way Maxis set them up, some random Sim will show up in the family tree as the daddy. You need to get any one of several fixes to repair this. I think at least one of them will fix the plant people too.

If you look at my No-Ugly-Townies thread, there's a way to prevent any of the Pets or Seasons premade families from ever showing up in your new 'hoods. Much tidier than deleting them after the fact!
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