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Old 07-15-2007, 03:01 PM   #24
Zirconia Wolf
Reticulated MoonBat
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Location: My trusty computer in Issaquah WA, USA.
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Yeah, I find several of the "optional" Flavor Packs (designed to change some of InTEEN's defaults) to be not-so-optianal, at least in my game! Currently, the Flavor packs you can choose from are:

Back To School = Pregnant Teens will go to school like normal. InTeens default is that they stay home.

College Admision = Adds the requirement that a Teen must have a C+ or better grade average & have graduated High School before being able to attent College. "Graduation" from high School happens at 18 (8 or fewer days left in Teen age stage) at which time a Teen not longer attends school & can also get jobs on the Adult carreer tracks. The "18" age thing is an InTeen default, unless you over-ride it with Flavor packs!

No Adult Teens = Overrides the whole "18" thing & re-sets the normal Maxis behaivor (as far as school & jobs) for your Teens. Not for use with the College Admistion pack!

No Age Of Consent = Again, an override for the "18" thing, this time aimed at the options to Move Out, Get Engaged, Get Married, Try For Baby & Find Own Place options. By default, only Teens that are flagged as "18" can do any of these things without this pack.

No Commited Relashonships = Disables the InTeen default of "mutliple Commited Relationships" & "Adult Commited Relationships". By InTeen default, a Sim (Teen or older) can now Go Steady (Purpose...Commited Relationship if older than Teen) with more than one Sim at the same time. Steady/Commited staus must come before an Engagment, & once Engaged all other "Steady" ties (and options) are istantly ended.

No Fail Birth Control = Makes the Birth Control option (via the Biological Clock) into a "no fail" kind. Otherwise it has a 2% risk of resulting in an oopsie! Birth Control? Why bother? It may inteest you to know that InTeen enables a chance for pregnancy during "normal" WooHoo! The percentages are listed in the InTeen manual. They aren't toooooo high, but still, you might want to be careful! (Enabling Birth Control disables the Try For Baby menu. )

No Miscarriage = Like it souds; without this a Sim will lose a pregnancy (complete with depression moods & a memory of the event) if their needs get too low. You can still trigger a miscarriage (& the memory, etc) manually via the Biological Clock, even with this pack installed.

Residential Graduates = Allows for actual functioning families on Residential (not Dorm or Greek) College lots! Sims are no longer forceably evicted to the Sim Bin after graduation (if on a Residential lot) & can get jobs, raise kids, etc. (They still become Adults, they just stay on the lot. ) Note: pregnancy, births & kids can happen on all College Town lots (Dorm, Greek or Residential) even without this pack, but once a Sim graduates they (& any offspring) will move into the Sim Bin. This pack allows those on Residential lots to avoid eviction (even if they don't have kids) & set up a happy home...right in the middle of a party-hardy College Town! (The manual explains this better & in more detail. )

Same Sex Pregnancy = Enables Sims in "alternate relationships" to get biologically pregnant with their partner. InTeens default is- of coarse- that just females can have a baby & they need a male to do it.

Silent Pregnancy = Disables both the in-game "Chimes" & the "Try For Baby" menu option. Pregnancy can only happen during regular WooHoo & you won't know untill a Sim shows or gets morning sickness.

Just in case you were curious, currenlty I am using Silent Pregnancy, Residential Grads, No Miscarriage, No Age Of Concent & No Adult Teens. (I'm toying with the idea of allowing the C+/18 thing for College-bound Teens, but would first have to roll back everyones ages to more-than-8 days remaing to control things better. )

(Miros1 = I may give that a try! I can't see how it could hurt! Can I just wipe everything in the thumnails folder, or...? )
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