Thread: Troll Scoring
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Old 09-11-2007, 01:01 PM   #2
Da Guy Wut Owns Dis Joint
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And then there was more!


Yup! The process of just thinking about scoring would help folks realize what's really going on. Besides, it sounds like fun! We just might learn to appreciate a truly well-crafted troll event.

For those who would like to hold up signs, I made a collection of little scoring placards that look like this:

There's even a minus sign, just in case:

Now, to use them on any board that uses BBCode, you just stack up some IMG tags, like this:
You can copy that text string and paste it into your message.

See the numbers after the words "troll" and "score"? Just replace the numbers a single-digit number of your choice, 0-9.

With a minus sign it looks like this:
(There's also a plus sign. I'll bet you can figure out the URL for it if you want to use it.)
Who are all these people and what do they know?
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