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Old 02-13-2008, 01:56 AM   #57
Da Guy Wut Owns Dis Joint
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Thank you for the kind words, Hokieman, and for the experience report, too! It's good to know that I'm not the only one!

At least I have managed to find all the important software installation disks while I'm waiting for that empty external disk case to arrive. I have The Sims 2 installed up through Nightlife along with Sim City 4 and Microsoft Office 2003.

I'm hoping against hope that I can recover data from those disks. Besides all my Sims stuff, those disks have everything I need--all my license codes for downloaded software and even a collection of passwords for this and that. Then there are all the CAD models and Ghu knows what else.

Fortunately I have my email on my own domains so I was able to sign on to the server and change the passwords on all my email accounts. The only problem is that most of those license codes are stored away in Outlook email messages. I don't know that will be recoverable because getting into Outlook mail folders is mysterious.

I've been thinking about that removable external drive as a backup device, and the more I think about it, the more I like it. For less than $200 you can have umptygoodgollygigabytes of storage on a USB device, totally portable, able to be squirreled away in a safe place, impervious to system disasters, and able to be plugged into almost any computer--Mac, PC, or Unix--that you happen to be using at the moment.
Who are all these people and what do they know?
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