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Old 04-19-2008, 06:59 PM   #1
Zirconia Wolf
Reticulated MoonBat
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Posts: 848
Default When It Rains, It Pours!

*** This is basically just an "I-really-really-really-need-a-place-to-vent" post, so please don NOT feel obligated to read it or respond. ***

Long rambling story short, my 78 year old father is currently in the Hospital. He went in on Tuesday evening with internal bleeding (caused by the @#$! drugs his newest Doctor insisted he start taking) & is now awaiting surgery on a "suspicious" lump in his intestines as well as waiting for the diagnosis of a "suspicious" spot in his liver. (While things don't look to be cancerous so far, I still get a chill every time the Doctors use the word "suspicious"!)

This comes on top of the IRS believing I am hiding over 3k in bonds (wish I was) & me having to reapply for my position as a Trouble Shooter/etc for King County Elections sans any access to my resume/work history which was vaporized over a year ago when my old PC gave up the proverbial ghost. (That PC was later revived, reworked & given to my mother, in case anyone was worried about it's fate.)

My most pressing concern right now though, is my dad. He has always been SUPER sensitive to medications (which Doctors are equally super slow to realize) which has made getting his "clotting factor" back up to snuff a bit on the tricky side. As things stand now, we are hopping (if that's the right word) for an early Sunday (4/20/2008) surgery time.

So I am tired, nervous, frustrated & maybe a felon (unless I can prove otherwise to the IRS) but I just read that Eric will, in fact be updating InSim to work with Free Time so I like to believe that things just might be looking least a little bit! (It's times like these that I sometimes wish I could just give up RL & be injected into one of my PC games. I'm much better as a city planner/monster slayer/story teller than I am at this whole "reality" thing...)

Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble on a bit.

I am going to bed (it's only 11:55 am here) to see if I can FINALLY get some sleep!

** Long Live All Wild Canines! **
** Leader Of The Moon-Bat Revolution! **
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