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Old 06-03-2008, 03:15 PM   #20
Herald of the Dawn
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Originally Posted by Zirconia Wolf View Post
I am trying to imagine a circumstance where anyone would need SecuROM on their PC & I am failing miserably...
Much less SecuROM + StarForce + StarGuard + who knows what else. I've said it before and I'll probably keep repeating it until the gaming companies (and Video Professor!) wake up and listen: Copy protection is evil, and does very little (if anything) to deter thieves, while also ticking off the paying customers when their apps don't work and they have to deal with the consequences of copy-protection systems run amok. (I have had a copy protection system ruin a 5-drive CD/DVD duplication tower. Extreme, perhaps, but it did cost me over $1500 (and counting), since the tower has not been capable of being used since, and the repair techs told me the burners were damaged at the EPROM level, thus would have to be replaced.) I am not certain how much revenue I've lost because of the damage, actually.

(While StarGuard isn't precisely a copy-protection, it is a tool designed to defend against hacking, so it can cause massive problems. Such as damaging Vista's ability to read its licensing information. Hence my including it in the list of villainous programs.)
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