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Old 09-01-2007, 06:02 AM   #13
Da Guy Wut Owns Dis Joint
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Tales of Happy Valley
Chapter 12: Allardice Girls: The Back Story

In the Spa at the Allardice House

That's back story, not backside. (The backside in this particular image belongs to Gregsim's older sister, Joyce.)

Way back in the ancient history of my game, before She was even born, there were only a few families in town and I only played a small number of them. The rest were just extras on the set.

When cousins Tommy Franks Jr and Carl Franks Jr paired off with others, that left several teenage girls without a counterpart. At that time I was busily developing the Bennett family and didn't want to invest the effort to create a bunch of new teenage boys, so teen Gregsim became the Generic Teenage Boy. He visited any house I was playing and quickly became friends with everybody (which lead to his meteoric rise in several career paths as an adult, and how he became fabulously wealthy).

So it's not surprising that the Allardice girls shared a boyfriend during their early teen years. Whenever they had some spare time they'd invite Gregsim over. Sometimes he'd arrive with one of his sisters in tow. The scene above was a prelude to a pleasant evening spent in the Allardice's spa.

Janet, Joanne, Joyce, and Greg discuss life, the universe, and everything amidst the bubbling waters

Then on the occasions when he was trying to think of something to do on a Saturday afternoon (and growing weary of his sisters' companionship), he'd invite them over.

Janet visits the Bennett House

When Gregsim needed a date for a special event, his first thought was always to ask the Allardice girls if he might escort one (or all of them). In the lost universe, Greg's sister Joyce married Tommy Franks Jr in a beautiful formal wedding, and Judy was Gregsim's date for the evening.

Judy Allardice and Gregsim at Joyce and Tommy's Wedding
Tommy's cousin Carl Jr is in the foreground, and Tommy is just getting up from the table.

In addition to having a throw-down boyfriend available at their beck and call, the Allardice girls benefited from this relationship because by following Gregsim all over town, they too developed quite a network of friends. In fact, Janet met her fiance, Graham Backlace, during one of Gregsim's adventures; and now Graham and Janet are happily living together at Happy Valley University.

Joanne and Judy took up with a couple of boys they met at college, Donald Walton and Chuck Scott, respectively. Donald and Chuck were just a couple of freshman who showed up one day at Whiting Hall (my custom dorm) while they were visiting. They hit it off quite well, which turned out nicely since none of them were controllable characters at the dorm, and today all six of them--Janet, Joanne, Judy, Graham, Donald, and Chuck--share a big house at the big U.
Who are all these people and what do they know?
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