Thread: Second Life?
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Old 02-13-2008, 03:48 PM   #14
Solar Max
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: England
Posts: 371

Yes, mikedelaney16 great links! Shorty I totally agree about buying or renting some real estate in VR world - just like in the SF stories. But you may find, like me, that you use your "home" very little.... or you may be like my RL hubby who is a real homebody in SL, and loves to invite his friends home to his beach to dance or chat privately. My home is used now and then but mostly I build a new house there every other week or so, go shopping for nice furniture, pull it all down and start again... (A lot like Sims really)... most of my time is out and about.
Jazz - all kinds. And yes classical rocks! Yes, Robin of Locksley was a mediaeval story - but these are not mediaeval outfits... a bit draughty in the forest I reckon.
Elspeth is quite bohemian, creative and a little bit mad - I find my characters tend to be... will look for you ingame.

I heard the server software is to be made open source; then you really COULD make your own virtual world. Meanwhile the scam I heard about was concerning virtual banks - a sort of pyramid scheme encouraging people to bank their Linden $$ at a rate of 45% interest... of course as soon as there was enough in there, the prime culprit fled the country with loads of other people's money. Well what else would you expect? lol Scammers in SL work like scammers everywhere, on the premise that there is one born every minute.
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